Running is Life

Today's Exercise Tuesday post is going to be about Running. The spiritual, mental, and physical sides of what running means to me. What it has come to mean to me.

First I'll start with the Spiritual. On Sunday I realized, as #1's hubby, who I will now refer to as Happy the Chauffeur (Iron Man's assistant, although in this case, he's sort of Iron woman's assistant...maybe I'll call her IronWoman...yep...#1's new nickname. Iron Woman.)

Anyway, I realized how easy it was for me to let go when I knew when Happy was in charge. He holds our bags, he gets our water, doesn't throw things at us when we yell for them... (I'm sure if he ever reads this he'd be embarrassed and would quickly need to assert his manhood in some form or fashion.) But I knew since I wasn't driving that I wouldn't have to worry. I didn't have to worry about my baggage, or even about how I was going to make it from biking to running without hydrating because I could shout, nicely, at him and he would find myself and Ironwoman some water.
As we were pulling away from our event, I realized I really need to let God have this much control over my life. Just let go.
Don't get me wrong, we totally have free will (#teamfreewill a tumblr reference to my favorite TV show) for a reason. To make choices, but if I worry less about things that I can't control it really free's up my mind. I do my best to operate this way most days, but realizing this while I was more opened minded after our event on Sunday, the example of not being in charge just made it more...tangible I guess.

This is always easier said then done. I often time to pray while running too. My thoughts while running tend to flow freely and with less chaos. It gives me time to channel my energies into things like being grateful and any other type of prayers I might have or need that day. Running allows me to let go, and remember who is really in charge of my future. To be thankful for who I am. 

Mentally it's a sense of community that pushes you forward and encourages you to keep going. We hold each other accountable. You soon find yourself talking to everyone about their race times and swapping advice and training tool ideas with incredibly smelly, sweaty people. 

There's that all elusive runner's high that sometimes happens. Usually happens right after a long run. For me it isn't necessarily "euphoric", as it might be for some runners, but running really does help my thoughts time to settle and clear.

"Running cleared the day's cobwebs from my mind and focused my thinking, and gave me time and space to sort out anything that was bothering me, or detach and think of nothing at all."
Jeff Horowitz

Physically, with diet and exercise I have been able to run off about 20-30lbs, although...It occurred to me last month, during a run while "running helps me look like a lady, it certainly doesn't help me act like one" as I hawked my fourth loogie. 
I also still can't walk a straight line in heels. 
Running has given me the power to harness confidence, stamina, and strength. 
Although, I could probably use a few more regular massages, especially after events like our Mini Tri. I'm a sore, hurtin' fool today. 

I don't judge you if you run or not. Everyone has to find that one piece of exercise that really works for them. I just happened to discover a love for running in the last 3 years. I would not be the same person I am today without having learned how to put one foot in front of the other like this. 
Each run brings it's own experience. Sometimes happiness, sometimes pain, but I always learn something new about myself. Or find myself more in love with life. 

Life isn't just better in running shoes, life is running. Life is a marathon that takes time and patience, and most importantly endurance. Endurnace for the road ahead to accomplish great tasks, gives me confidence. And in those moments when I run with God or with a prayer on my mind it brings me hope and peace.

Alright everyone, I should probably get to work.
