Adventures at the gym

Today was a pretty good day as far diet. I did have a MAJOR lull in the afternoon & resorted to some added sugar. 1 serving each. I kept it low key & followed it up with pumpkin seeds, carrots, and crunchy peanut butter. I think one major or body issue I want to work on is to really over all just tone up. My arms are looking great. One of the stylist at work told me I look buff...I flexed in the mirror...I didn't realize how big my guns had gotten!!!

I started this post yesterday. I was at work from 9 to 9 yesterday. 

I did make it to the gym this morning. It was a last minute thing too. I thought I needed a really good work out this morning. I got all my gear together and booked it. I wanted to do a spin class and thought that would give me the umph to get my booty in gear. I knew I would be a little late but I was risking it. Got to the gym, I asked if they had room for me in spin class...turns out they don't have spin class on Thursdays anymore. Luckily I had my bad so I had my music, headphones, & the body building app. I had myself a workout plan. 

I haven't dedicated time for in, I have a plan but I don't follow it. I did day 3 of the Jaime Eason  Live Fit Trainer. I'm not GREAT at technology but I know enough to do some damage. The app was nice to keep track of the workout but unfortunately I discovered that my gym doesn't have some of the equipment. Also...MAY or MAY NOT have forgot exactly what a rep tracking was a little off & didn't quite complete my reps/sets according to the workout today...either way...I have it posted below.

Resulted to YouTube for two of the exercises.

I also discovered this nugget while searching for videos...I'll probably do this workout tomorrow! It's fun to discover new workouts. It's what really keeps me going! It motivates me towards my fitness goals. 


For some reason it is hard to get motivated to lift...I'm going to have to see what I can pull up.

My head is a little more in the game...a little. Fighting the sugar cravings is the hardest...I still don't want to get up...clean the dishes...or rather anything else today...but at least I got one thing done right. I went to the gym. Ate a semi-decent breakfast.

Warm up, 10minute run.
55lb leg press 5 sets 58reps
45lb leg extension  3 sets 36 reps
90lb Wide Stance Barbell Squat 3 sets 36 reps
40lb seated leg curl 3 sets 36 reps
90lb Standing Calf raise (At home...not on the machine) 3 sets 36 reps
5lb calf raises (At home...5lbs is the largest weight I have) 3 sets 36s reps
5min cool down walk.

And now...I'm on the couch...contemplating lunch. LOL...

I had two hard fried eggs in earth balance spread. 2 slices of udi's gluten free toast with whole grains, and pb2.
Post workout I had a Chia Bar from Health Warrior

Oh look The healthy episode on Girl Code!

