My First Experience with Overnight Oats

It's a crazy week this week. Long work hours. A class. Time with friends. Dress shopping for a wedding...there's no time.
There's barely time to workout. Hardly time to even think about what to cook! I know that meal prepping is the best thing you can possibly do to keep yourself on track but this girl doesn't even have time to meal prep!! Although, I was smarter than myself two nights ago. I put about 6 skinless, boneless, chicken breasts in the crock pot. I got three lunches and two dinners out of that. As in, we each had one meal of lunch and one meal each for dinner (equals 4 meals) and then just enough left over for me to have lunch with today. It was simple too. Literally just dumped the chicken in the crock pot, added some seasonings, and let it cook itself.

Anyway, I digress...I went to breakfast with a dear friend yesterday and she told me her recipe for over night oats. I never thought to use protein powder in this concotion I have been hearing about for a few months now.

The idea is to pour milk, quick oats, some fruit, and whatever else you want into the mix. Most people use yogurt, I even heard of a recipe where she used cottage cheese. I don't eat a ton of dairy. (I bet you know that already if you read my blog regularly ::Winky face::)
Due to the large use of dairy in all the overnight oat recipes I've heard or read, I have been a bit scared to try them. Mostly...what could I use in place of some of the ingredients, and what about carb count?? I still have to try and eat somewhat low carb, ya' know? It was overwhelming.

When my friend explained it to me, it just clicked. I realized I could almond milk, and I didn't HAVE to use yogurt. Of course you can always use coconut yogurt, but it's coconut yogurt, isn't really my thing. The protein powder, instead of the yogurt or cheese, will help thicken the milk so it's not just runny soggy oats in the morning.

Last night I was on a mission to make the oats happen!

To make it, it was incredibly easy and quick! Which I loved! Pus having breakfast ready to go so I could squeeze in some yoga this morning equaled a double bonus for me.

2 scoops Vegan Meal Replacement (This brand is not really my favorite, still kind of has a texture even after blending into the almond milk. You have to use 2 scoops protein to get a decent amount of protein but it also has 29 grams of carbs...not my favorite. After this brand is gone, I'll stick with the Vega brand.)
3 tbsp of unsweetened coconut flakes
1 cup of unsweetened almond milk
1/4 cup of frozen blueberries (Fresh is great, frozen is also good, the brand I bought was on sale and had extra vitamins in them, figure it couldn't hurt.)
1/2 cup of Gluten Free Bob's Red Mill Quick Oats
Cinnamon to taste
(I didn't add a sweetener because the protein powder and blueberries should theoretically be sweet enough but you can always add agave nectar, vanilla extract, maple syrup etc. )

I added my protein powder to the milk, used a hand blender to mix it, then added everything else, gave it a quick stir and then put it in the fridge. Viola breakfast was served. The next morning.

My final impressions?
COLD! Yet super delicious. I'll just say you can expect a TON more of these recipes to be coming from me soon. Especially as things get busier and the weather warms up.
 I'll attempt to make a paleo one next week.
For now, I'll create two more recipes to share for next week!

Happy, healthy eating, enjoy!
