Thursday meal planning! PCOS Style

I've had lot of women ask me lately about how I control my PCOS symptoms. One the biggest ways to help control drastic blood sugar changes, otherwise known as controlling my insulin resistance. Essentially what happens is any time you eat a carb, even a complex carbohydrate, your body has to break down the food particulars and store them or use them. Carbs are stored for energy. However, in someone with PCOS the carbs don't necessarily get used the right way in the body. Not balancing your carb intake with a protein or a fat, or eating too many simple sugars causes your estrogen drop and your androgen levels to spike. Androgen is a male hormone that all females have, in someone with PCOS however they are typically very high! This causes things like missed cycles, not ovulating, weight gain, hard to lose, hair loss, cystic acne. You things.

I do my best to eat a balanced diet of whole foods, no gluten, dairy, or soy. I will still eat M&M's, cookies, and definitely some wine.

1. Avoid foods that cause inflammation, such as diary, soy, gluten.
2. Always pair a carb with a protein or fat nutrient.
3. Drink lots of water
4. Get moderate exercise 4-5x weekly.
5. Get plenty of sleep - managing your stress is HUGE with PCOS! I will go over this in another post.
6. Take your supplements. (I'll post something later this weekend or next week about the supplements I'm currently taking.)
7. Double up on your veggies!
8. Aim for low glycemic as a low carb diet can be hard to maintain long term.
9. Practice self care - breath, relax, enjoy some yoga. (This basically goes hand in hand with exercise and managing your stress levels.)

I made an effort this past week to only have to go to the grocery store once this month...I'll keep you posted on how that went a few weeks, lol.

Lastly, I got a new cook book! Practical Paleo 2nd Edition. All of the next few weeks recipes are coming out of this book. 

The zucchini pancakes were amazing! I can't wait to eat those again!  This week I've been noshing on chocolate chip banana bread though, as I recently discovered...when the fridge went out that I had some frozen bananas!

I'll let you know which of these recipes turn out to be worth it...and ones I might need practice on.
Anyway, I'm off.
Blessings everyone, and thanks for stopping by to read!
