In the words of Joyce Meyer...

"You don't have to feel good, to do good."

Its as true in life as it is in the gym.

When you have that cloud over your head & you don't have the want to go or the drive to do some home exercises, that's when you should push yourself the most.

That's when you should lace up your shoes, grab your keys and go.
Conquer the lack of the drive. When discipline yourself to make hard choices (don't eat that extra cookie, run that extra mile).

When you do this, you're one step closer to making those later hard decisions, easy. Making them easy as breathing.

Something I like to do when I feel myself coming to an end of a long road or  having the trouble making the decision to make the right choice, when it comes to my health, is picture the scene in the movie 300 where it looks like Leonidas is about to surrender. He's dropping his helmet, his sword. When all looks lost the voice of Dillos, a trusted Spartan Warrior says "His helmet was stifling. It narrowed his vision. And he must see far. His shield was heavy. It threw him off balance. And his target is far away."
Then he throws a spear at Xerxes face! Boom! Makes the false god bleed!

There's even a story in the bible like the mighty 300 (or vice verse- you know what I mean, the one that came first!)

Here's a great link on yahoo answers about that story. But you, obviously, can find it in the bible. Judges chapter 6-8.

The take away is(among many)::Gideon's 300 trusted that we are "more than conquerors through Him Who loved us" (Romans 8:37)

Find the one thing that pushes you to do good even when you don't feel like. 

Picture it in your head. A picture, a verse, a scene from a movie, whatever it is hold that thought in your mind and use it to be more than a conqueror. 

You can do this. 
