It's a napping kind of day

Normally on Thursdays I would post a new recipe. Unfortunately, I didn't have time to create anything SUPER awesome this week :(

I am going to attempt to make cauliflower pizza crust, with homemade sauce (in an effort to reduce added sugar in my diet) tomorrow night though!!! Wish me luck!

I do want to say that I have discovered this new blog over at Great Expectations of another "soul cycster" who has PCOS. The link takes you to her food tab. She has a ton of amazing gluten free recipes. She is pregnant right now, a lot of her blog focuses on staying healthy and eating right while Pregnancy with PCOS.
Regardless the menu ideas she has...look amazing!!! It's worth a look around.

I ran all over hell and half of Texas today & still didn't get everything accomplished that needed to get done. I did get a nap in though. That felt good.

It wasn't quite a Joey and Ross nap, but it fit the bill for the morning. (Did I mention I've been up since 5:50am? Bleh...)

Switching up topics:: I think the basic recommendation for most people to get daily exercise is 5-30minute workouts.
This week I exercised on Tuesday for a little over and hour. We'll say 65 minutes to be safe.
Yesterday I definitely worked out for an hour. There's another 60. (The Jillian Micahels Trouble Zone workout, killed!)
Today, so far nothing...I'm not trying to jinx it but I am hoping to do 30mins of power yoga...what's that put me at? 155 minutes...AM I DONE?/

LOL! No. It doesn't count, we need DAILY exercise to maintain, and control our weight, and blood sugar. Anything above and beyond that will really help sculpt and mold your body.
Check out what the CDC has to say about basic guidelines for adults wanting to improve their cardiovascular and musculoskeletal health. Even American Heart Association recommends 150minutes per week...
We gotta get in folks! Break it up, work it down (Or out), and get at it!

...Although...a nap still sounds good...Now that I think about it, while attempting to exercise does bring up our energy levels, if we are exhausted it is better to wait a day to exercise. We do become more prone to injury if we aren't well rested enough for the task at hand. If I am still tired even after a nap, I am thinking, I might just wait till tomorrow morning. Just gotta get to bed early and GET AT IT!

Best of luck to us all today.

I'll let you know tomorrow what I decided to do after work today. Did I mention I won't be off til 8:15?
