Pushing Through a Tough workout

I apologize for my recent hiatus! Friday slipped away from me, and I didn't get the chance to post on Saturday. SO! I AM BACK! So, I guess a two day break isn't bad, haha!

Confession time: I have not worked out since Wednesday and I have not been following my dietary restrictions to well...mostly having a lot of processed sugar...eek! And quite a few carbs and a couple glasses of wine. I also forgot about my 30 day Challenge I am suppose to be doing.
I was suppose to have done...well a lot of squats since my rest day on Wednesday (rest from squatting.)
I haven't been the greatest example of picture of health but today I got back at it.

I set out to work out to a 40min Jillian Michael's Trouble Zone DVD, I was half between cleaning and picking up the house and working out. I was tired and my brain & heart just wasn't in it today.

However, I tired anyway. I pushed through. The DVD said it was only a 40 minute workout...tricky thing? That time doesn't include the warm up and cool down time.

At first I started telling myself, I'll just stop and switch to the cool down after 30 minutes. When I hit the 30 minute mark, I thought well it's only 10 minutes until the workout is over. Well that was a lie! There were still two more circuits to complete. I had to switch to taking the modification on most of exercises towards the end.

The point is...I had to keep going. At about the 28 minute mark I remembered that I am suppose to be training for the warrior dash. (On a side note, I'll be checking out this link soon: Pre Mud Run Training Tips from Warrior Dash)

There will be times when we feel our best isn't good enough. When taking the modification in a workout seems like failure. I assure you, both of those are lies.
You are still doing better than anyone who isn't choosing health over the alternative.

What do you do to push through a tough workout? I found this blog post when I first started pinning to pinterest, from the greatist.com.

They have a great list! I don't know if I can say it any better, however here are my top 5 ways to keep pushing through when you feel like giving up! When the fatigue in your head is greater than the fatigue in your body here are the best ways to keep going.

1. Some of the things I do to keep going, keep pushing is just...keep going. 
Like number 1 on the Greatist website is the "I think I can, I think I can!" Mantra
 (From Etsy Shop

2. Remembering my goals, flatten stomach, non-giggly thighs, regulating my hormones for PCOS. Training for any of my next events. Focus on the next goal. 5 more minutes, then another 5 more minutes.  If your running, focus on the next distance. The next lamp post, fire hydrant, next 1 square block. Focus on what's ahead of you, not what's behind you.

3. Remember where your strength comes from, from within. From God

4. Make sure you have a great play list! Changing up the pace, quicker beat. Songs of encouragement.Google workout songs, the lists are endless. Everyone is always coming up with something.
(UO Printed Ear bud Headphones from Urban Outfitters)

5. Choose the modification for the exercise. It helps you to keep pushing forward. You can still work the same muscle groups while getting a good exercise just at a slower more defined pace. There are times when you know you can give more but when you can't choose the modification. At least you're still working out & going! No shame in choosing the modification!

Alright Friends, it's late...I'm exhausted. Have a great week, I'll be back tomorrow! 
