The power of Food

I talk way more about exercise than I do about food I believe, but the most powerful, or the most significant weight loss I saw, was when I was put on my crazy diet last year.

30lbs in just a few months. (Don't worry the doctor said that would happen). I didn't go crazy last week on eating things that I probably shouldn't have but I had more than my fair share of "allowances" than normal. 

I was talking to someone yesterday who pointed out that they changed their diet and now they are only are maintaining their weight, not gaining...or losing. 
They mentioned paying attention to portion sizes. 

Smaller portion sizes?? Ugh! Nothing makes me more hungry than having a first world problem of smaller portion sizes!
But it's true!! We are overfed as Americans we eat way to much! (Or so everyone tells me).

It's true though, I tend to over eat at dinner. Even now, sitting here thinking about how I have to run to the store, then actually go for a run, I am going to be STARVED tonight for dinner!
Part of me is starting to look forward to this late night run but the other part is sort of dreading it...I digress...back to food

I have been toying with the idea of logging my food again, as I seem to have lost a little bit of control last week. However instead I think I am just going to count carbs. Instead of physically logging my food again. I have allowed myself to stay within a certain number range where I feel comfortable & where I feel best.

If you aren't there yet, if you're still on the scale & loathing the number, if you are still 1 or 2 or 7 pants sizes from where you want to be, trust me, you change your mindset with food.

Lat year, after the doctor put me on the low carb diet, I ended up at the farmers market with a vegan friend. She is so nice & always has great recipe ideas, but it was intimidating starting out with my new diet & I had to have protein!! (Albeit I do know now, that some vegan meals are chalk full of protein.)
I remember her asking me, "what's your favorite meal?"
I drew a blank. It used to be pasta. Delicious noodley spaghetti with tomato and basil sauce and covered in mozzarella cheese. I would always have two or three servings. I loved it that much. but I couldn't have that anymore. Less carbs, and certainly no gluten.
There was nothing. It made me sad.

Since that day, I have skipped, stumbled, and jumped my way through some amazing & some not so amazing recipes!
I also remember the day another friend made me a gluten free pasta dinner for the first time...brown rice with flax shaped liked spaghetti. It was the closest I had come to my favorite meal in a long time. I've also tried Spaghetti squash and bean balls. Maybe it's an attempt to keep trying to recreate my favorite meal with less carbohydrates & more flavor full goodness.

"Diets" are hard starting out. It really and truly is a lifestyle change. The more good food habits you can incorporate the better.
My brother, the solider, always told me it takes 21 days to make a habit and only 3 days to break it. This statement really helped me out.
It's especially hard to do this when so many activities are centered around food. Just Monday night, after our run happy hour, they were serving packaged cookies...I'm the creepy person at your party barely paying attention to your words and staring longingly at the chocolate chip cookies, or the pasta salad. I watch you take every delicious bite.

I. Am. A. Food. Creeper.

You are not alone. Changing your lifestyle. Your mindset is the hardest thing to do. But it can done.

A few simple things I did.

1. I went through my cabinets and got rid of anything I couldn't eat. (Okay, I may have done this more than least 3 times. somehow that stuff always sneaks back in...and I'm the one who does the grocery shopping...hmmm) I took it to my parents house, my dad wasn't pleased as he was also trying to lose weight. You can also always take non-perishable, still packaged, food items to your local food pantry.

2. I wish I could say I didn't keep candy in the house but that would be a lie. I put a few candy bars in the freezer so that way I had to be patient and eat them. I put a bag of dove candy in a concealed container and only took a piece or two out at a time. This is the out of sight, out of mind rule. I also ended up drinking a lot of chocolate milk those first few months on that diet. Just to get the taste of chocolate without soy or as many carbs.

3. Religiously logged my food.

4. Plan ahead! Make snacks, lunches, anytime you know your going to be out bring a snack. Be that weird person who travels with food. I ate a lot of protein bars those first few months. Low in carbs, gluten free, but they satisfied me when I got hungry until I could get home and actually eat! For instance this weekend is the annual Rib-Off with Mr. Goe's buddy's. (My hubby & his buddies). I am determined to make the most amazing stuff to take to the party...hopefully I will be posting some awesome recipes this weekend!
Here is my goal...(But please don't judge me if I only get half of it done. However, if I don't get them all made, here are the recipes so you won't be deprived!)

Shredded Paleo BBQ Chicken
Roasted Rosemary Carrots
Quinoa Chickpea Salad
And last, but no means least
Paleo Snickerdoodle Cupcakes

Don't all of those things look amazing? Yes, the list of stuff to accomplish this tasks is great. And a lot of these ingredients aren't cheap, but they are worth the investment if you can make it happen.

RULE NUMBER 4:: Start slow!!! Don't jump in with both feet with the above menu. Trust me, this has been over a year in the making, of me feeling confident enough to make these things.
However, if you don't get easily stressed out or anxious or are really ready for a game changer try the recipes!
It wasn't until earlier this year (so about 6 to 8 months into my diet) that I began to realize there are so many ways to cook food to make it healthy and incredibly delicious, so believe me, it takes time!

Alright everyone, I'm off and runnin',
