Getting Back on Track/PCOS Protein Powder

I have good intentions of cutting out junk food for the rest of the week. My jeans are starting to feel somewhat snug. Yesterday marked 1 month of not weighing myself. Part of me is REALLY wondering where I'm at, but what I want to get back on track before I step on the scale. Maybe see if my pants fit a little better before I hop back on that ridiculous contraption that seems to hold so much emotion over me.

My only plan is to cut the junk food. My ultimate goal would be no candy until Halloween but I'm going to start with a small goal and go from there. Smaller goals are easier to achieve. Easier to focus on and control.

I also have a run coming up at the end of October and I would really like to get my minutes down her mile. I've been reading more from Runners World on how to accomplish this, however I will post about this later.

For now, I want to give you your daily PCOS Awareness Month Tip. One of the best ways to helping control your PCOS symptoms is to eat a clean diet. One of the best ways I do that is by using protein powder in smoothies. Sometimes it's REALLY hard to get your daily amount of protein and greens. One way to help supplement that is by buying a quality good vegan  (SOY-FREE) based protein powder, OR a beef based one, like the one from PCOS Diva. Here's Amy's article on choosing the best protein powder, and this is the link where you can purchase her protein powder. Some day, I will be purchasing and trying her protein powder, but for now, It's only been in my budget to purchase these vegan protein powder's below.

SunWarrior Vegan Protein Blend (Uses Pea Protein)

Vega Protein Blend (Also uses Pea Protein).

Alright everyone, I am off for my LAST DAY OF VACATION! I will write again tomorrow!
