Kind of, I mean I do talk about my life. Speaking of my life--I did sign up for my first Tough Mudder last week!!
It's not until next Summer, so we have some time to get a game plan together for training. Not much on that right now. But, if this doesn't inspire you to reach for a new goal...well...reach for the new goal anyway!
I wanted to talk about about PCOS, since this is still PCOS Awareness Month. I wanted to share a few books with you that helped me get diagnosed as well helped me after I was.
When we had started TTC (trying to conceive) I knew something was off. My aunt gave me a book, that helped me discover why something was off. It's ultimately what helped me feel comfortable speaking with our (RE) Reproductive Endocrinologist about what it could be.
Taking Charge of Your Fertility: (Also jokingly known as my aunt's version of Catholic birth control.) Tons of great information on natural family planning. Probably way more than I'll ever use, but it was interesting all the same. There's a small but special section that has facts and body indicators for PCOS. This is what helped me.
It's been quite a few years since I've opened the book, but I remember being thankful for it at the time.
The second book I bought was What to do when the doctor says it's PCOS
It's funny, I also haven't read this book in a while. I'll pull it out tonight and give you a run down on what's in it on a later date. I do remember thinking, I know most of this! I kept it though, just in case a friend or someone close to me might need it in the future. I think it's a good resource if you know nothing about PCOS, or have any background knowledge of it. Think of it as PCOS 101. It's a pretty heavy duty book though. So it's not skimming material to just toss away. There are great tidbits, unfortunately, I just filed the book away. I do encourage you to check it out though if you are newly diagnosed or might want to read more about the condition. This is a good 'first-timers' book for stepping into the world of PCOS.
I recently have found myself searching for some of the PCOS diet books out there. Here are just a few I am thinking about Purchasing.
The PCOS Diet Book
The PCOS Diet Plan
The Insulin Resistance Diet Plan & Cookbook
I think you're sensing the theme. I really want to dive back into a better diet for my PCOS. I fell off the wagon and right now I'm struggling to even get motivated to find the dang wagon. I'll get there though. Step one is admitting it right? LOL
LOL, well... I'm off. Bye for now.