Last night as I was doing laundry I started collecting all of my race day clothes. One look at the weather forecast and I knew I was going to need lots of layers.
With a projected weather at 9am being 20 degrees F, with intermittent clouds...real feel at 10; it's going to be bitter cold. I'll need to put my water pack under my clothes, including the hose, in order to even be able to drink out of it.
I have two sets of pants, I'll need at least 4 layers on top, tank, sweat wicking long shirt, fleece pull over, and a vest. Wool socks, maybe even two.
I promised myself a long time ago, I would NEVER run in something this cold...but...three years ago when I ran this race, it was NOT that cold this time of year. What the heck did I get myself into?In preparation for the marathon, last year, Iron woman and I ran a lot of really cold days.
There's two runs that come into mind in prepping for this Saturday, however looking through my google photos...turns out, we had quite a FEW cold weather runs.
I think this is what I fear the most about this upcoming race on Saturday. Running toward a bridge that doesn't get any closer, without any kind of protection from the freezing cold wind.
Equally and on the opposite end though, I remember this run. It was a 20 miler. The wind wasn't as bad because we ran on a crushed limestone trail, surrounded by trees, houses, and plenty of wind coverage. It was still cold, but it felt good! I also have a feel for somewhat of the terrain for Saturday's race. I ran it 3 years ago, even though they have changed the course since then, I'm a little more comfortable knowing that there should be plenty of wind coverage. The cold...well that's another beast. At least I'll know how to dress. Basically the same outfit as on the right, plus a vest and some gloves.
I've also been replaying my playlist to and from work the last few days. Visualizing what mile I'll be at depending on which song comes on. I'm picturing going up and down hills, over creeks...I'm going to do my best, NOT to get wet.
I'm going to bring a change of warm clothes to change into after the race. It's a 30 min drive home I'll need the to be dry.
I think one of the harder parts will be staying on the positive thought train process. Instead of "this is dumb and cold, why the heck did I think this would be a good idea." I'll start out by saying "Okay. You're here for the next two hours, let's get comfortable. I'm blessed to run. I can do this. Look at the trees, the falling leaves. I'm glad I wore all the layers. I paid to do this. It's a good day for a challenge. I'm a risk taker. I overcome challenges. I think I can, I think I can. I'm a bad ass for running this far today" Maybe I'll stay away from thinking about the cold. LOL
The Not Your Average Runner Podcast recently had an episode on Race Day Strategies - Mental Preparation. Oh boy did I need to listen to that! Here are some of the tips I plan to use this upcoming Saturday.
Imagine myself standing at the start line...tapping into my music, seeing the first mile marker. Mile 8 is over half way. What am I going do when I cross the finish line? Visualize that.
Smelling the cold, wet weather. in the last few miles what am I going to tell myself to get through?
I'll be probably just be ready to be done, LOL...nothing motivates me more than that. I am going to get my medal once I cross the finish line, maybe see if there's any photo ops, but I will head straight back to my jeep, warm it up. Swap out race clothes for dry warmish clothes...because they'll be sitting in the cold car.
I think I'm going to try and find some hand warmers to hold onto. Lastly, I'm buying myself a delicious, pipping hot cup of coffee from Starbucks on my way home. Starbucks and a protein bar. OOOH, or maybe even a coconut milk chai tea latte!!!
Yes. That is correct. I'm running it for the Starbucks. Muahhaaa.
Alright everyone, thank you for stopping by. Good luck with any races you might be running soon!
With a projected weather at 9am being 20 degrees F, with intermittent clouds...real feel at 10; it's going to be bitter cold. I'll need to put my water pack under my clothes, including the hose, in order to even be able to drink out of it.
I have two sets of pants, I'll need at least 4 layers on top, tank, sweat wicking long shirt, fleece pull over, and a vest. Wool socks, maybe even two.
I promised myself a long time ago, I would NEVER run in something this cold...but...three years ago when I ran this race, it was NOT that cold this time of year. What the heck did I get myself into?In preparation for the marathon, last year, Iron woman and I ran a lot of really cold days.
There's two runs that come into mind in prepping for this Saturday, however looking through my google photos...turns out, we had quite a FEW cold weather runs.
Speed work day, in the wet cold, snow.
This was the day our water packs froze.
This day though....this was the worst. It was a 9 mile point to point race, head first into the wind...the entire way.
Furrowed brow. This day was awful. I ended up getting sick the next day...if I remember correctly. At the time I also wasn't in the best place emotionally. I was struggling with a job I didn't love as well as some unnecessary drama. All of that came into play on this 9 mile run.
I think this is what I fear the most about this upcoming race on Saturday. Running toward a bridge that doesn't get any closer, without any kind of protection from the freezing cold wind.

I've also been replaying my playlist to and from work the last few days. Visualizing what mile I'll be at depending on which song comes on. I'm picturing going up and down hills, over creeks...I'm going to do my best, NOT to get wet.
I'm going to bring a change of warm clothes to change into after the race. It's a 30 min drive home I'll need the to be dry.
I think one of the harder parts will be staying on the positive thought train process. Instead of "this is dumb and cold, why the heck did I think this would be a good idea." I'll start out by saying "Okay. You're here for the next two hours, let's get comfortable. I'm blessed to run. I can do this. Look at the trees, the falling leaves. I'm glad I wore all the layers. I paid to do this. It's a good day for a challenge. I'm a risk taker. I overcome challenges. I think I can, I think I can. I'm a bad ass for running this far today" Maybe I'll stay away from thinking about the cold. LOL
The Not Your Average Runner Podcast recently had an episode on Race Day Strategies - Mental Preparation. Oh boy did I need to listen to that! Here are some of the tips I plan to use this upcoming Saturday.
Imagine myself standing at the start line...tapping into my music, seeing the first mile marker. Mile 8 is over half way. What am I going do when I cross the finish line? Visualize that.
Smelling the cold, wet weather. in the last few miles what am I going to tell myself to get through?
I'll be probably just be ready to be done, LOL...nothing motivates me more than that. I am going to get my medal once I cross the finish line, maybe see if there's any photo ops, but I will head straight back to my jeep, warm it up. Swap out race clothes for dry warmish clothes...because they'll be sitting in the cold car.
I think I'm going to try and find some hand warmers to hold onto. Lastly, I'm buying myself a delicious, pipping hot cup of coffee from Starbucks on my way home. Starbucks and a protein bar. OOOH, or maybe even a coconut milk chai tea latte!!!
Yes. That is correct. I'm running it for the Starbucks. Muahhaaa.
Alright everyone, thank you for stopping by. Good luck with any races you might be running soon!