I've been doing what I can to practice self care. So far so good. I downloaded an app for Bumble friend finder. We all know, especially with everything that's going on right now, how important it is to maintain friendships. According to Psychology Today there are over 15 reasons why friendship is so important. Admittedly it was a bit ambitious to start making friends when I don't even have a permanent residence, let alone a normal routine at the moment. However with the city wide lock down in place, basically everyone's taking a break from friends. We have been blessed to see family though to help with moving our things and cleaning our house, while keeping our distance and making sure to keep it under groups of 10, we've be blessed. However now back in a city full of strangers, in a 750 square foot apartment, we're getting restless. So, while today I wanted to share a life update with you I also wanted to give a few ways to practice self care and not go crazy on those your stuck inside with, hahahhaaa
1. Schedule an appointment with your therapist. Did you know for the next 8 weeks all co-pays have been waived AND my therapist can video chat with me out of state. (Normally this would be impossible because of state licensing issues, but when everything goes pear shape, it's important to have access to a mental health care professional.
2. Dance Party. Seriously. Movement is so important. Get your blood moving, boost your endorphins. You can count it as the kids gym class or just a way to burn off some excess energy. In America we are so centered on working that we often over work ourselves. We have forgotten what it's like to relax and do something for the complete fun of it.

4. Time Alone. This can be hard in a house full of people but setting aside quite time for everyone can also help establish boundaries when you're feeling overwhelmed or panicked by the news. Take time to pray or meditate, write in a journal or sit outside on your back deck, or rooftop dog run, or even on your front step to watch the cars go by. Breath in the cool air of early spring and the sounds of rain. Enjoy the flowers pushing up through the weeds, get some natural vitamin D, which supports a healthy mood.
5. Time with others. Whether you're creating tik toks, face timing, or Facebook messaging using memes, it's also important to still connect with loved ones. Building a fort, creating a date night in your living room. Balance out alone time, with checking in. People are really getting creative with how their spending time together it's actually kind of heart warming.
For now, I am off to finish our current binge, watching the Avengers in chronological order. I will be back A LOT sooner, rather than later with some fun at home workouts I've tried since being cooped up in the apartment.
Blessings Everyone, stay safe, wash your hands, and call your loved ones.
I love your posts! You have much more insight than many of the young people I know. I love your fresh perspective.
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