I did what I could yesterday to rock the color orange in support of National Infertility Awareness Week, but 1.) it's not necessarily my color and 2.) The man and I ended up going on a house hunt last night and I didn't get to sit behind my keyboard. I did wonder though, why did they pick the color orange?
According to NIAW.org the color orange "promotes a sense of wellness emotional energy to be shared: compassion, passion, and warmth. Helps recover from disappointments, a wounded heart, or a blow to one's pride. Studies show that orange can create a heightened sense of activity, increased socialization, boost in aspiration, contentment, assurance, confidence, and understanding."
I had a friend one time tell me about how she likes to wear her "power color" when she is having a rough day. I had no idea what that meant, and when I asked she said, "I think it's the color I look the best in and it perks me up." I tend to look good in red, orange, not so much. It's a good thing I LOVE the Bronco's though! LOL I had some orange in my closet. It also got me to thinking about how... did you ever hear about the study of the color red? According to Business insider, red is stimulating, exciting. A reason maybe why more red cars get pulled over for speeding than say your basic white. However, red doesn't necessarily stimulate hunger. However, it has been shown to increase heart rate, which may in turn increase your appetite...but that didn't work with the plate theory as later shown. However, it's interesting to me about how colors can help us connect. The yellow wrist bands for people fighting colon cancer, or pink for breast cancer, or teal for PCOS or ovarian cancer. Perhaps, your favorite team?
Of course are other not so fun examples of this throughout history, but part of life is being able to find someone just as crazy as you and say "YOU? ME TOO!" That's why I wore orange yesterday. It connected me with friends and family who have gone through the same thing.
If you ask the man though why he wears orange...he's say... "because you're going into a construction zone." Ha! Men. If you think about it... he's not wrong... when battling infertility... it takes work to have a baby, hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahhaaaa (that was a TERRIBLE pun)
I digress though...wearing orange yesterday connected me to a network of online women who have also become a silent support system. Today NIAW's hashtag is #Thisismysupport. I can't actually do this do without over thinking. Today is about your support. Is it 1 person? A group of people? Your therapist?
Today I am thankful for you. My dear sweet reader. I don't know where you are, on this planet, but it is you that makes me come back to this blog time and time again. For your comments, your reads, when you share my information with others.
I'm also thankful for my sister, who helped me with a garage sale when we were trying to raise money for our IUI.
For my mom who has taught me that getting older isn't scary. It's actually kind of exciting.
For my aunts who prayed for me, talked with me, and spoke life into the darkest places.
For Iron Woman, who truly understand what it means to meet someone where they are, in the thick of their pain and discomfort. For my godkids, nieces, and nephews, and cousins.
For the gifts from friends who live in different states when they just couldn't be there to dry my tears away.
I'm also definitely thankful for my therapist. Who has been able to video chat with me and bring me back from the brink of the grey, yet again. She reminds me to practice more grace and self care.
Now, while I am even further from my support system, it's nice to know that everyone I know and love it a phone call or video chat away.
Alright friends. It's time to start that ever important bedtime routine. Blessings,
p.s. Please consider donating to these two miracle babies who just lost their dad in a tragic motorcycle accident.
According to NIAW.org the color orange "promotes a sense of wellness emotional energy to be shared: compassion, passion, and warmth. Helps recover from disappointments, a wounded heart, or a blow to one's pride. Studies show that orange can create a heightened sense of activity, increased socialization, boost in aspiration, contentment, assurance, confidence, and understanding."

Of course are other not so fun examples of this throughout history, but part of life is being able to find someone just as crazy as you and say "YOU? ME TOO!" That's why I wore orange yesterday. It connected me with friends and family who have gone through the same thing.
If you ask the man though why he wears orange...he's say... "because you're going into a construction zone." Ha! Men. If you think about it... he's not wrong... when battling infertility... it takes work to have a baby, hahahahahahahahahahaahahahahhaaaa (that was a TERRIBLE pun)
I digress though...wearing orange yesterday connected me to a network of online women who have also become a silent support system. Today NIAW's hashtag is #Thisismysupport. I can't actually do this do without over thinking. Today is about your support. Is it 1 person? A group of people? Your therapist?
Today I am thankful for you. My dear sweet reader. I don't know where you are, on this planet, but it is you that makes me come back to this blog time and time again. For your comments, your reads, when you share my information with others.
I'm also thankful for my sister, who helped me with a garage sale when we were trying to raise money for our IUI.
For my mom who has taught me that getting older isn't scary. It's actually kind of exciting.
For my aunts who prayed for me, talked with me, and spoke life into the darkest places.
For Iron Woman, who truly understand what it means to meet someone where they are, in the thick of their pain and discomfort. For my godkids, nieces, and nephews, and cousins.
For the gifts from friends who live in different states when they just couldn't be there to dry my tears away.
I'm also definitely thankful for my therapist. Who has been able to video chat with me and bring me back from the brink of the grey, yet again. She reminds me to practice more grace and self care.
Now, while I am even further from my support system, it's nice to know that everyone I know and love it a phone call or video chat away.
Alright friends. It's time to start that ever important bedtime routine. Blessings,
p.s. Please consider donating to these two miracle babies who just lost their dad in a tragic motorcycle accident.
Thanks for blogging!