A Cheerful Heart and Leaky Guts

Remember that popcorn I wasn't suppose to eat but was hell bent on eating anyway...you'll never guess what happened?
 I've ended up a tooth infection! T-RIFIC! All in part, brought to you, by the guy who figured out corn could be turned into popcorn and popcorn kernels! Ugh!!
There was a reason God was telling me to not eat the D*** popcorn.
I am not only displeased but irritated because now I have to have my wisdom teeth out. It's a magical story that ends with me on two different antibiotics' and a..well...leaky gut syndrome. Luckily it hasn't come to the latter just yet, but...I can feel it coming.

It's days like today where you think, how am I going to work out? How am I going to keep going? Where do I begin when I've stalled out? Not to mention you're thinking of your awesome friend who went to not 1, not 2, but 3 (count them, 1,2,3) classes at their gym today...lucky duck.  (Sigh) Good for her. Happy thoughts, hope it was a great workout.

Not sure about you but I find it hard to workout when I have a mild fever, tooth ache, AND what my mother calls 'grumbly guts'.

Keep the momentum to your goals going.

I'm focusing on healthy eating today (Anything soft actually, but you get the point). It's what I can control. I can't control, unfortunately, how I feel but I can control what I put in my mouth.

I'm mentally prepping myself for an awesome workout on Sunday.

Planning my meals, as best I can with an achy tooth.

And Most importantly I am trying (really trying) to stay Positive. Proverbs 17:22 "A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones."

It'll make me just that much more thankful to workout and get active on Sunday. It's going to such a good workout that Morgan Freeman will want to narrate it. Guaranteed.

So for those of you lucky pooheads  people who got to workout or are trying to work up the momentum to workout or exercise think of what makes you happy.
Playing with your kids, your grand kids. Walking around the block. Dancing. Hanging out with your significant other.
Channel that positive energy into movement. You will never regret a workout but you will regret NOT doing it.

Don't give up on you. You are beautiful. You are worth every ounce of sweat and dedication. You can do this! Leave it on the gym floor, the treadmill, where ever you have chosen to work out today, give all you've got!

Thank you for reading everyone!! I do enjoy sharing funny stories with you. Hope you had a good laugh at my tooth and guts.
Have a great Saturday and I will be back to post yummy pancake recipes on Sunday!

