No Excuses Part Deux

I was inspired by a school mates facebook post today about how she's tired of peoples excuses. How they wish they could just be 'lucky' and lose weight fast. While she was happy that most people were saying positive things about her weight loss there were those who kept making the excuses. I experienced this too when I was first put on my low carb diet.

Statements ranged from positive to negative. To down right discouraging. 'I wish I had the dedication. I wish it were that easy. You look great! You're losing too fast'.
My diet was doctor supervised. Had to be. I was trying to get my PCOS under control.
Most people will make the excuse of why they can't work out or eat healthy but when a single mom of two working 4 days a week has time, so do you. When a young married couple who has two young children and live paycheck to paycheck do it. So can you.

You have to want it more than you don't want it. You have to want to be healthy and fit more than you want to be the opposite.

When you decide to start waking up early to go to the gym or walk around the block. When you decide checking weekly ads for sales on fresh fruit, meat, and vegetables is worth your time, that's when you know you want it more than you don't want the opposite.
When you decide to hand your kids over to a stranger for an hour or 30mins so you can squeeze in a workout that's when you want it more.

When you decide that putting on your shoes and tying up your laces is more important than watching an extra hour of TV that's when you know you want it more.

I had some first world problems at the gym today. My headphones didn't work! The agony! I was forced to watch the television and nothing good was on!
But I did it. Some people don't have gyms. Some people in the world don't have security or running water. I should be so lucky and blessed to have both. To go without headphones at the gym should only serve to remind me to be thankful that I have choices. That I am free to be and live a healthy lifestyle.

You have to want it more than you don't want it. You have to be dedicated to the right choices. No excuses.

 1 Peter 1:14 "Behave like obedient children. Don't let your lives be controlled by your desires, as they used to be."

Life will get in the way. That's the beauty and annoyance of life. But staying strong and motivated is what will keep you dedicated.

 YOU. CAN. DO. THIS! Because you are worth it!


Anonymous said…
If you have eight going on nine kids... lol

I am with you! Speaking of first world probs, I was at the gym yesterday and the little holder thing for my book on the bike wasn't tall enough and the page kept falling over. I had to actually HOLD the book. It was so annoying! ;)
agoerunnergirl said…
Lol! Ugh! Hate it when that stuff happens!