I didn't quite make my 4mile dirt road run today. I decided I am not a cold weather runner.
18 degrees. Yeah, I suck. I'm sorry its not happening...hash tag.
I am trying to justify my un-run by the amount of time I spent hanging out on the back of one of our 4 wheelers today
It does take some muscle function to operate one of these things. You have to squat to not bump your keester on the hills. You have to squeeze your legs as well as your abs to keep from falling off.
But those simple moves don't quite count as exercise. But you know what does?
Saying NO to these for...16hours.
This weekend we are spending the weekend at 'the farm'. And my aunt makes, hands down, these best cookie concoctions known to man.
She is a master baker, a goodness of the oven. The Queen of desserts and while we're here I get to eat none of it. NONE!
TALK ABOUT EXERCISE! (Mental of course).
I don't know about you but I'm counting that as a small victory. My other awesome aunt wanted to be put up for sainthood when her magnificent (I think he's mag) other brought home pizza and ice cream. She made the great decision to have a turkey burger instead.
Something I have recently discovered is coconut milk. Its SOOOO good. I use the So Delicious Brand. Appears to have a good amount of calcium in it (It is also lactose and soy free!) but if you pair it with fruit its like the angels created a great creamy dessert!
Unfortunately my coconut milk is not close. Fortunately, out of town family, is close today. And I just heard my cousin pray the sweetest prayer. No prompting from her momma either.
Count your blessings and your small victories. We often forget about our small successes because we're to busy thinking big picture. How discouraging can that be?
'I haven't reached my goal limit in the ridiculous amount of time that I allotted.'
It is the daily things that keep us going towards that big picture. Keep going! Celebrate your successes! (Not with food).
Keep your negative committee at bay. Focus on what you do daily. Less overwhelming and a lot more rewarding.