Motivation Killers

When I first started trying to lose weight, I had a goal in mind. First I was focused on losing 75lbs. Then I focused on being a certain number on the scale, then a certain number in a jean size. Ultimately I was eating how I was suppose to be according to doctors orders but I was more concerned about losing the weight than truly being focused on the PCOS.

Before I got diagnosed with PCOS I remember telling my doctor about all the work I was putting into losing weight and how it just wasn't coming off.
She said "Well, you can carry up to 7 pounds of stool in you at any given time."



Well, 4 years and a diagnosis or 2 later I have learned that it's okay to make allowances. For instances, do not beat yourself up for only losing 1lb...have you pooped yet today?
Give yourself a 5 pound range. If you are trying to lose a significant amount of weight allow yourself to be in a 5lb range when you weigh in. Or better yet, don't focus on the scale! Focus on how you feel or how many inches you're losing!

It's not the number that overall matters! As you can clearly tell by the picture above!
Over time I have come to learn that I don't have to be a certain number on the scale. I don't have to be a certain jean size! I need to be happy being me. I need to learn to love my body, otherwise I'll never appreciate all that it can do for me. You won't like it even when you get it to where you think it should be.

Getting discouraged is easily one of the biggest motivation killers when it comes to getting healthy!

So is money!

Some people can't afford a membership to the gym, but running outside doesn't cost anything! Actually, I will do a post on Friday about exercises that you can do at the park, then I do another post next week that shows you awesome at home exercises. All scoured from the Internet of course...and magazines! OH!! Actually I'll give you my 45min at home workout that I started using when I first really started to get serious about losing weight. It's a lot but you can modify it as need be. Add subtract whatever you like! I'll do that 2 weeks. I'll keep you posted. ;)

Time is another motivation killer. People often say they don't have time to  workout. Did you know that when it comes to a healthy lifestyle, it is 70% diet and 30% exercise? There is a great blog post over at Live Love, Laugh, Lift that explains this.
"1 lb of muscle weighs the same as 1 lb of fat, a pound is a pound. The difference between the two is that they look very different. 1 lb of fat takes up wayyy more space than 1 lb of muscle." Kym

This circles back around to money, sometimes healthy food cost more! Unfortunately that is true. But the more importance you put on your health the more dedicated you will be to finding a sale.

I'm not going to lie it's kind of invigorating to get 93% Lean Grass Fed Beef for a $1 off! Also, make a grocery list according to the sales. Buy chicken when it's on sale and plan menus around that. Stock up on staples when they are on sale. I love doing this. I just bought two boxes of gluten free brown rice noodles for .94 cents...usually 2.49 cents...albeit, I should probably check the expiration date. You can also buy in bulk then part out what you buy into separate meals. I'll try to do a few posts about how I shop & save to give you some ideas.

What are your motivation killers? First step, identify them. Then kick them in the teeth and keep going!

I started my 30 Day Squat Challenge  today. I've decided to do 5 sets of 10 as according to the challenge I'm suppose to do 50 squats day 1. I've done two sets this morning. I'll do another two more later today then one last set before bed. So soreness. I will ABSOLUTELY let you know when it starts to hurt though! LOL!

Good luck everyone! Hope you've picked a challenge! See you tomorrow for another new recipe post.

