Nutrition Meting Was Today!

So! I Finally had my meeting with my nutrition counselor.  It was really good. The general consensus was that I am on the right track. It's just figuring out how to maintain!! Wawho! She told me for my goals and what I still have yet to achieve in the future that I don't need to lose weight. I am at the top end of the BMI chart for my height but still within the normal range.

I can't even tell you how good that made me feel. For the first time least 8 or 9 it was nice to hear a professional tell me that I finally no longer need to lose weight. In fact, my initial goal weight was two pounds less than what I weighed when I walked in her office but knowing how I feel right now, how I think my body looks. Deciding that I am done & being told that I can be done, it was freeing.

Keep going! If this is you, if you are where I was 8 years ago, keep going. It was slow, it was grueling. It took 3 doctors, 3 diet changes, and 2 diagnosis's to figure out what works best for me. It took me 8 years (basically) from start to finish. (Well...almost finished but I'll get to that later in the post)

Keep finding the reasons that push you forward, keep seeking the answers that will put you towards a better path of healthy living! This isn't a 12 week diet plan. This is a plan to change your life, find your strength and learning to be happy DURING your journey! 

I wasted so much time being miserable. This process is stressful and there are bound to be setbacks but I am here to encourage you to choose happiness over misery. But..that's also one step at a time. I'm not quite there with the peace and happiness, haha! But one day at a time!
It's all about controlling my PCOS and keeping the insulin resistance low.

So onto the nutrition meeting!

She broke down my macro nutrients. I want to tell them to you, but if you are anything like me you freak out when people start talking numbers. My numbers aren't your numbers, either! My macro nutrients are based off my height and weight, and my exercise routine. Therefore, I don't want to freak you out by telling you your macro nutrients. I will see if I can find a tool or advise you on where to go to find your macro nutrients.
Macro nutrients are how many carbs, fat, and protein grams you can have in a day in either maintain, lose, or gain weight. And how many of those grams you can have at each meal and snack.

For any PCOS diet though, you do want to stick around Carbohydrates being only 40% of your diet.
I am telling you, the best thing I do for my diet is using the myfitnesspal app. It counts up all of that for you. It really and truly takes out half the guess work. Keep It Simple! Makes things so much easier.

This was the basic gist...
I am allowed to consume 2,000 calories a day and she added in more carbs to my diet. Who knew?? Brown rice! I can have brown rice! Quinoa, chia seeds! Gluten free whole grain bread is good to have. Legumes, nuts...all good fiber & good fats. 
She said I needed more vegetables. I'll be looking for more fun recipes to try to incorporate more into my daily life. (I forget there's options like grilling and steaming) I can also sneak vegetables into shakes, like the spinach shake I made the other day. 

One of the best things she told me? I CAN DRINK! LOL! Well...let me be honest, she said, ONE or TWO glasses of wine a week are okay. NO MORE THOUGH! That means I can have 1 glass of wine a week! That makes me so happy. I love wine!
BUT, make sure if I have ONE cocktail that it is either a sugar free flavor or something sweetened from the Stevia leaf.
Afterall, it is okay to drink! Just not okay to get drunk ;)

"Woe to those who are heroes at drinking wine, and valiant men in mixing strong drink"

If you think about's all about balance. That's what she told me. It really is about the 80/20 rule. I can have two treats a week. Keeping refined added sugar to less than 10% of total dietary calories.
I can do this now and not feel guilty! I am telling you that if you can, see a professional. It will help.

I need to continue to stick with the low glycemic diet. Making sure to eat 5 to 6 meals a day.
I need to continue to be soy free, it is a pro-inflammatory, according to the paperwork. I will discuss this more in a later post after I do more research but for now, for me continue to be soy free.

Onto the..negatives? of the diet...I'll let you be the judge if it's a negative.

I need to get rid of caffeine. No more. So onto the new amazing world of DECAF!

I need to switch to grass fed red meat because it contains less arachidonic acid

And no more popcorn...I am mourning the loss. Lots and lots of loss. That's not to say that I won't have popcorn every now and again but I will have to really, REALLY watch my intake of it and keep it to a serving size, and only air more microwave.

And lastly, the thing I think I will equally have a hard time with...only 1 serving of dairy a day. (Sigh...) Goodbye cheese. I will miss you! I will write often and stop by the refrigerated section of the grocery store to send you my love.

She gave me some new recipe ideas, which I can't wait to share and unveil in the future!

I will do a part two diet post plus a new recipe on Thursday. I would like to start doing more recipe posts on this blog, especially since ultimately it's 70% diet and 30% exercise.
I think I am going to do two posts with recipes during the week but I'll keep you posted on the official second day of new recipe post. (Did that make sense? It's almost 10:30pm...I need to head to bed. I have training in the morning for the duatholon. Oy vey, it's going to be a long week. And another wedding!)

I will see you all tomorrow for Exercise Tuesday! I'll be back on Thursday to talk whey protein and supplements, and what my personal trainer/sister in law has to say for a new exercise routine and building muscle. Have a good night everyone! (I feel like there's more stuff I'll think about tonight as I get ready for bed. One of those set up and smack your forehead moments...whatever. See you tomorrow) 

Oh goodness...there goes my to bed!
