The Road to Hell is Paved with Good Intentions

(Another dietary tirade, grab the popcorn...this one should be good.)
Do you ever just have one of those weeks where you you know...the whole week goes...

That was my week. For many reasons. Only ONE of which I'll get into in today's post. It's a fact of life though isn't it? Being our own worst enemies? Setting ourselves up for failure? 
I did that spectacularly this last week...on accident. What started as good intentions turned into the hottest mess...well you get the picture...

Some of it was my health, my diet. I had a decent day at work but the best part? The best part was I met this awesome scientist who told me about the difference between prebiotics and probiotics...Did you know there was a difference?

According to Prebiotics are specific kinds of fibers that nourish the friendly "good" bacteria in your digestive system. (Or your guts as I call them.)
Probiotics are a preparation containing live bacteria that is taken orally  to restore beneficial bacteria to the body. 
Did you know that acidophilus a probiotic can sometimes contain dairy, which could trigger an allergic reaction? BRAND NEW INFORMATION TO ME! 
I have talked about how I need to be more dairy free because of my PCOS but I had no clue about a probiotic can sometimes have added dairy...such as whey...which yes...I have been using the yoli whey protein which is also dairy...sigh....that wasn't totally new information. Depending on who you talk to about PCOS & dairy some say minimal dairy is OK but most say avoid it like the plague. 
Well...after talking to this awesome scientist I figured out that the probiotic I have been taking contains whey. I was sending all of that STRAIGHT TO MY GUTS! AH! No wonder I haven't totally gotten rid of the acne. 

But probiotics are suppose to be good, right? ABSOLUTELY! Probiotics help protect your body from from disease-causing organisms. SO DON'T STOP TAKING THEM!! 

I just need to switch to a prebiotic OR find a probiotic supplement that is dairy free friendly. (Yoli does have a prebiotic I would like to try. At this point I have decided to portion out the rest of the whey protein I have left to friends, because it's a GREAT product! But to see if it really helps my system out just a little bit more.

In my quest this last week to totally eradicate soy & diary from my diet it came to my attention AGAIN for the 6th million time that SOY is in everything. Le sigh....
Ask my aunt why soybeans are good for you...she's a farmer. She's knows. (I can tell you it's high in protein and fiber.)
Unfortunately for me, soy has a lot isoflavons which act as endocrine disruptor's. With PCOS being an endocrine disorder I don't need extra help in making it worse. Soy also has been reported to function as goitrogens which is a substance that has the potential to interfere with thyroid function. (Are we having fun yet?)  

(I don't want to say they are all bad...I am not a scientist, I can only tell you what I have learned from other PCOS "cycsters". Please if soy works for you, great! Enjoy it! If dairy works for, even better. Send me thoughts of cheese...please...wait, better yet, don't...I don't need that kind of pressure again! LOL. 
Vegans LOVE soy! It's how they get some of their protein. Make the choices that make sense to you! For me, dairy free and soy free just happen to be what works for me...I AM NOT A least I try not to be.)

OKAY! Back to the overall post...I made my very one BBQ Sauce this week...It was decent for my first attempt. 

1 can tomato paste
1 tbsp balsamic vinger
1 tbsp apple cider vinger (I didn't add this in right away, but will when I make a bigger batch)
1 tsp honey
1/2 tbsp minced garlic
salt, pepper, powdered onion to taste
1 tsp chili falkes
1 tbsp liquid smoke

It was tangy, but good. It was SUPER thick though, I'll want to thin it out a lot more before I make a bigger batch.
You can dump it all in a bowl to mix up then heat in the microwave...otherwise a better option to cook it down & add more water is to cook it over the stove top till it boils. Refrigerate left overs in air tight container.

I was thinking though as I headed up to our local hardware/household goods store that I should by balls jars & start making my own condiments!
I got really excited! Balls Mason Jars!! #whitegirlstuff (This is my attempt at humor VERY late at night)

I only got 4. On Sunday, I will attempt to make my own dairy/gluten/soy free Ranch Dressing (we'll see how this will work) Mayo, and BBQ sauce. I'll figure out what to put in the 4th one.

It's easy to get down on ourselves. Especially when we make a mistake...A BIG MISTAKE. Even if that mistake was made with the best of intentions. (Which apparently these all lead to hell...I'm kidding...I hope.)
I was the maker of my own undoing this week for many reasons. The point is, I learned from them. I grew from them.
Letting go of the mistakes is the hardest part. GotQuestions.Org explains it best (Spiritually speaking of course) " When we ask for God’s forgiveness based upon Christ having already paid for our sins and our having trusted in Him as Savior and Lord, He forgives us. It is as simple as that (1 John 1:9). However, even though we are released from the bondage [from] sin (as spoken of in Romans chapters 6-8), we can still choose to wallow in it and act as though we are not freed from it. Likewise with guilty feelings, we can accept the fact that we are forgiven in Christ, or we can believe the devil’s lie that we are still guilty and should therefore feel guilty."

GotQuestions.Org goes onto say "The Bible says that when God forgives us, He “remembers our sins no more" (Jeremiah 31:34). This does not mean that the all-knowing God forgets because He forgives us. Rather, He chooses not to bring up our sin to Himself or others. When our former sins come to mind, we can choose to dwell upon them (with the resulting guilty feelings), or we can choose to fill our minds with thoughts of the awesome God who forgave us and thank and praise Him for it (Philippians 4:8). Remembering our sins is only beneficial when it reminds us of the extent of God’s forgiveness and makes it easier for us to forgive others (Matthew 18:21-35)."

Forgiving myself for my words, for not doing my homework, for not TOTALLY STICKING TO MY DIET, unintentionally...for whatever else that will continually put me in a negative mindset...Through Christ I am forgiven. Through Christ I can forgive myself. 

Boom! 11:59pm, finally got it posted! LOL! Happy weekend everyone!
