I had a client ask me about when I started running, what was my motivator, and if I actually find joy in it now. LOL, hard to believe some people don't actually like to torture themselves with running. The burning legs, stiff neck and shoulders; the heart pounding, feet slapping pavement kind of lifestyle, just in truth, isn't for everyone...imagine that.
But it is for me. I had to go back through my Facebook photo album of running to see the dates, the races, and figure out when it all started. Buckle in ladies and gents, it's a long one today...4 years of running and pause to reflect on my spiritual side.
I'll start from the beginning.
Every September, where I live, we have the Corporate Cup, for the American Lung Association. In 2011, my mom, my sister and I were all working for the same company & that company will participate in this event, every year. It was a big thing down in the therapy unit where I used to work and being newly part of the therapy team, I wanted to make a good impression.
I talked my mom and my sister into doing the 2 mile walk with me. You can see in the second picture it took us about 40mins to finish a two mile walk.
As I had said earlier, my diet still wasn't great. It was after this race that we were fed pizza & I decided to partake, I am not sure what was going on, but at this point after running I was having terrible tummy troubles. Painful, burning, crippling me over tummy issues. I kept drinking water hoping that would help, but I could never figure out why my guts would suddenly feel like they would want to drop out from under me after a run.
At this point though, the sensation of wanting and needing to run had set in. I wanted to run more. I was starting to challenge myself more and would spend hours looking online for runs to do in the area. Blast emailing everyone to figure out when can you run, when can you run?
But it is for me. I had to go back through my Facebook photo album of running to see the dates, the races, and figure out when it all started. Buckle in ladies and gents, it's a long one today...4 years of running and pause to reflect on my spiritual side.
I'll start from the beginning.
Every September, where I live, we have the Corporate Cup, for the American Lung Association. In 2011, my mom, my sister and I were all working for the same company & that company will participate in this event, every year. It was a big thing down in the therapy unit where I used to work and being newly part of the therapy team, I wanted to make a good impression.
I talked my mom and my sister into doing the 2 mile walk with me. You can see in the second picture it took us about 40mins to finish a two mile walk.
(Do you like the hat? My aunt made it! She has awesome blog called Knit Together)
We all finished in 40mins. My sister and I stopped and waited for my mom a few times, but we crossed the finish line, together.
It was during that year, that my brother was out of state. In December 2011, he ran a Jingle Bell run with his buddies while gone. After seeing the picture he posted, I knew I wanted to train to run with him. That way when he came home safe we could run a race together. It was my own way of staying motivated while he was gone. Of connecting with him even though I couldn't see him everyday.
I practiced really hard that winter and before he arrived home a few people from work talked me into running my first 5k. I had wanted to wait until the Solider came home but I figured "a practice 5k" couldn't hurt.
In March 2012 I ran my first 5k, ever, in 40mins.
(This was 50lbs ago.)
Well, the Bro returned that May, safe & sound but due to our schedules we weren't able to find a race that suited both of our schedules.
In the meantime, my other running buddy talked me into running the Color Me Rad in July of 2012 just one city over from ours.
While we weren't shooting for a time we ran our first race together in under 38mins...I almost can't remember the time at this point. Ha!
I remember being incredibly nervous about someone getting the colored powder in my face, I made it through to the every end right before we crossed the finished line without getting blasted right in the face...I'm not going to lie, I was a little miffed...it now occurs to me, that at least for races anyway, that I should invest in some contacts probably.
Anyway....it was fun, other than getting hit right between the eyeballs.
Well, the moment had finally come. The Bro and I were able to run a race together. It was the Midnight Run September 2012. It was to support the Hope Center for Kids in our local city which helps keeps kids off of the streets and make educated decisions about their health and life. Although I haven't directly worked with this cause, it's near and dear to my heart.
(This is where I get spiritual on ya')
The preacher, Ty, who helps run the center, was preaching at a church I visited earlier in 2011, around Easter. It was during his sermon that I rededicated myself back to Christ. I guess you could say "born again", but something about his sermon made me actually understand what it was that I was actually worshiping. Why I should be living a life for and of Christ. Although, obviously, I am like every other person on the planet and struggle with my bad habits, I do my best to remember why I am loved and share that with the world. That I am forgiven, that I am worthy of love and to be loved. That life should be about hope, inspiration, and joy, and most importantly giving.
(A lot of these races you can run for a cause. You also have the option to donate money for the causes)
(Cell phone photo...we look nothing a like! But we sure act the same! Same cocky, sarcastic, big heart, yet positive attitude. This was 40lbs ago)
I did not do well on this race. It was midnight, I felt like crap, because I still hadn't figured out my diet yet...and I literally just gave up about a quarter before the finish line. It. Was. Awful. But I finished.
That was early September 2012. Later that month, I was back at the Corporate Cup. 1 year later. After a year of training and 3-5ks later, it was time to return to my first race. I was going to run the entire thing. At this point my diet still wasn't great. It was good, but not great. Plus I had stayed up late the night before, and let's be honest, I had a malted beverage, possibly 2.
So, the run wasn't perfect like it could have been but...I was proud to finish in half the time I had finished in the previous year.
Anyway....it was fun, other than getting hit right between the eyeballs.
Well, the moment had finally come. The Bro and I were able to run a race together. It was the Midnight Run September 2012. It was to support the Hope Center for Kids in our local city which helps keeps kids off of the streets and make educated decisions about their health and life. Although I haven't directly worked with this cause, it's near and dear to my heart.
(This is where I get spiritual on ya')
The preacher, Ty, who helps run the center, was preaching at a church I visited earlier in 2011, around Easter. It was during his sermon that I rededicated myself back to Christ. I guess you could say "born again", but something about his sermon made me actually understand what it was that I was actually worshiping. Why I should be living a life for and of Christ. Although, obviously, I am like every other person on the planet and struggle with my bad habits, I do my best to remember why I am loved and share that with the world. That I am forgiven, that I am worthy of love and to be loved. That life should be about hope, inspiration, and joy, and most importantly giving.
(A lot of these races you can run for a cause. You also have the option to donate money for the causes)
(Cell phone photo...we look nothing a like! But we sure act the same! Same cocky, sarcastic, big heart, yet positive attitude. This was 40lbs ago)
I did not do well on this race. It was midnight, I felt like crap, because I still hadn't figured out my diet yet...and I literally just gave up about a quarter before the finish line. It. Was. Awful. But I finished.
That was early September 2012. Later that month, I was back at the Corporate Cup. 1 year later. After a year of training and 3-5ks later, it was time to return to my first race. I was going to run the entire thing. At this point my diet still wasn't great. It was good, but not great. Plus I had stayed up late the night before, and let's be honest, I had a malted beverage, possibly 2.
So, the run wasn't perfect like it could have been but...I was proud to finish in half the time I had finished in the previous year.
I finished in just over 20mins I believe. My running buddy went on to run the 10k. She at this point had done at least one or two half marathons. I still wasn't on that band wagon yet.
In December that same year (2012) the running buddy and I ran The Dooms Day Race!
This was the race I had been looking forward to all year. I have a bit of a fascination with dooms day/the apocalypse it's really more of a joking matter, I swear I don't have a prepper shelter hidden somewhere...yet. Haha!
December 21st, 2012 (The day the Mayans predicted we would all cease to exist) in 13degrees of weather in the dead of night, we ran. In the ice and snow.
As I had said earlier, my diet still wasn't great. It was after this race that we were fed pizza & I decided to partake, I am not sure what was going on, but at this point after running I was having terrible tummy troubles. Painful, burning, crippling me over tummy issues. I kept drinking water hoping that would help, but I could never figure out why my guts would suddenly feel like they would want to drop out from under me after a run.
At the time, I wasn't sure if it was diet, my hormones, or that I might running too hard...I had no clue.
At this point though, the sensation of wanting and needing to run had set in. I wanted to run more. I was starting to challenge myself more and would spend hours looking online for runs to do in the area. Blast emailing everyone to figure out when can you run, when can you run?
The group of running friends hadn't quite grown yet, but I was excited for the direction that I was headed in physically. Losing weight, and actually losing it, becoming a little more confident in how my body moved and what I could accomplish.
Personally/emotionally 2012 was a rough year. I was still trying to figure out health wise what was going on. Why would my stomach hurt so horribly after running? Why were my hormones still out of whack even though I was training and starting to cross train?
I had done research on PCOS, but I still didn't know what that meant for me. How that would affect my life in 2013...
That will be part 2. Which I will post either tomorrow or Sunday.
I might have to make this into a 3 part post...just depending on how long 2013 is.
I guess we'll see!
Blessings Everyone, Have a great Friday. I will try to post part 2 tomorrow and then either part 3 Sunday or just post a picture of our post Triathlon faces on Sunday!
Wish the Buddy & I Luck! We're going to need it!!!