Oh Fitness Tree

I found this stellar idea on pinterest today over at Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans. While starting a fitness regime can be hard this is a great incentive for starting before the New Years Resolutioners hit the gym. It's also a great reminder to keep making good choices, and focus on your health this Holiday season.

Head over to Shrinking Jeans for the full post. Okay, yeah, it's December 9th, but seriously, it's never to let to start an activity.

The purpose of Oh Fitness Tree is to give yourself a sticker every time you work out. I love what Mary said, the author of the post, about how NO MATTER what you choose to do, or have time for that day "the point is that you are PURPOSELY MOVING every day through the Holidays." Mary also reminds us all to "water our tress" with at least 64oz of water a day.

The post was written last year but it would be cool to see it happen again for some of you this year. Mary tells you how to post to twitter using the hashtag #fitnesstree & show them how your trees are coming along.

This idea is awesome.

Something else I found, for you moms out there is a toddler approved workout. For those days where you might be stuck inside due to snow or simply because you have nothing else to do it's a great fun filled activity that gets everyone excited. Head over to Toddler Approved for the full post.

It's an activity set to your favorite Christmas music, you create an activity for each song, do the activity for the entirety of the song and move along to the next song. Think simple circuit training.
Have fun with it though, change as often as you like, or do the action card every time it's mentioned in the song. Say 5 jumping jacks every time someone sings about a tree, or forward kicks/backward kicks every time a reindeer mentioned. (Reindeer kicks.) Kristina, author of the post & blogger mom, has many great ideas!

Enjoy everyone, remember to purposely move this week!

PLANKMAS UPDATE:: I am two days behind! BOO! I did two planks today to make up for my missed day on Saturday. Tomorrow I'll have to do two more planks to make up for missing Monday! Goodness! Holding steady though at 40seconds. I'm only slightly impressed with myself :)
Keep up the good work everyone!



Anonymous said…
I'm behind too. Ugh.