Why I do and don't eat organic

I read an article on NPR titled 'Is Organic More Nutritious? New Study Adds to the Evidence' as far as I knew, old research suggested that organic foods weren't more nutritious but the article states in fact how it just might be...by a little.

 (Do your research though first before picking up a product that's labeled organic...sometimes it's not always the case)

"... large meta-analysis published in 2014, also in the British Journal of Nutrition, found that organic crops — ranging from carrots and broccoli to apples and blueberries — have substantially higher concentrations of a range of antioxidants and other potentially beneficial compounds. That review included data from more than 300 studies."

The article goes onto say "For instance, organic crops had about 50 percent more anthocyanins and flavonols compared with conventional crops. Anthocyanins are compounds that give fruits and vegetables, such as blueberries, their blue, purple and red hues.
Consumption of these compounds is linked to a variety of benefits, including anti-inflammatory effects. Flavonol compounds — found widely in fruits and vegetables — have also been shown to protect cells from damage, which can help fend off disease."

However, while there are many great benefits to organic crops you might be surprised that it affects our health very little. "Such small changes are unlikely to represent any nutritional or health benefit," writes Ian Givens, a professor of nutrition at the University of Reading. In a statement on the new findings, Givens points out that switching from conventional milk to organic milk would increase omega-3 intake by only very small margins. And an analysis by researchers at Stanford University published several years ago concluded there was no good evidence that organic fruits and vegetables were more nutritious overall'.

Overall take away from the article? 'Given the big picture, lots of experts say that, from a health perspective, what you eat matters more than whether you choose organic or conventional.'

Now, onto why I do and don't eat organic. One of the main reasons is for my PCOS.  I have done a lot of poking around PubMed as to why this might be, the only article I can find right now is that is one that states (in a tiny blurb at the end of the article) that "Currently, PCOS is considered a polygenic trait that might result from the interaction of susceptible and protective genomic variants and environmental factors, during either prenatal or postnatal life."

Here's a GREAT article from the Huffington Post that goes deeper into there possibly being a connection.'Published on Thursday, the study exposed pregnant rats to high levels of prevalent plastics (BPA and phthalates), pesticides (vinclozolin, permethrin and DEET) or a notorious pollutant (dioxin), and then looked to see what influence the one-time exposures had on the ovaries of future generations. Of particular interest was a condition known as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), which is itself implicated in a range of health problems including infertility, obesity and diabetes. PCOS has been on the rise over the last couple decades and now affects an estimated 8 to 18 percent of adult women.
The researchers found each of the environmental toxins triggered ovarian disease in future generations. Interestingly, the effects in the third generation -- the first rats not to be directly exposed to the chemicals -- were more pronounced than in the offspring of the exposed rat.'

Major reasons why I eat organic, possibly more nutrients in the foods and less chemicals to help my ovaries, and possibly if I have any children in the future to not effect their health.

Reasons why I don't eat organic...honestly...cost. That's the biggest thing. When I can I do, but if it won't fit in the budget, I make sure to wash them with Fit organic fruit and vegetable wash. Or I watch or sales or shop at the discount shop as well. There are ways to get cheaper organics.

In general terms speaking of whether or not YOU should buy organic, there's a helpful list of foods that you can get away with not buying organic and ones you absolutely should.

When it comes down to it though, mostly what you should really be doing as adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet and less processed food where the sugars live. You might just be surprised...you might need more than you think. (How many servings of fruit and vegetables do I need a day?)

Blessings Everyone, 
Off to watch our show :)
