Progress is Progress No Matter How Small

After a frantic text from Iron Woman about falling off the wagon and a small reminder to myself, I wanted to share with you, that progress is progress. No matter how small.

We all have those weeks where we can't get anything together. We don't make it to the gym, we don't fit in a workout. We eat 5 cookies for second breakfast (I don't know who that could be...cough me cough)

I'd say Iron woman's progress was realizing how following off the wagon was making her feel. It's a sign she's paying attention to her body and what it's telling her. Some of us are so busy, so focused on other things, we don't take time to check in with ourselves and see how our bodies are feeling. 

Am I tired? Sluggish? Hyped up? Ready to go? Achy? Is one part of me screaming out in pain? Take a moment today to take 5 deep breaths and check in with yourself. Your body will tell you what it needs, it's the mind we have to convince to follow through.

Today, I am feeling pretty good. Mentally/Emotionally I feel content and settled, at least for the moment. Physically I can start to see my curves a little more today, gotta love that hour glass figure-ish. My back is a little sore from sitting at work, I am not exhausted but I am a little tired. I am currently trying to fight off a minor sinus infection. Sore throat, runny least my head isn't caught in a vice grip anymore.

I did better with food this week, exercise was okay thus far. I stood at my desk more, I ate more vegetables, drank more water. I also attempted to get more steps in the last few days, but I've only had 1 good workout, which was on Tuesday morning. 7 rounds of Murph training! I GET TO ORDER MY VEST TOMORROW!! I'm so excited!! WOOOOO!!!!

I'll definitely let you know what that feels like! Per advice of my brother, he said to walk around in it and get used to the feeling of having it on, then work your way to up working out in it.

Also, total cheese ball...I ordered it in the white camo color...cause you know...why not!?!

What are your goals? Have you registered for anything?
Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to sit and read for a bit.
Thinking of you all today.

And remember...progress is progress-no matter how small.

