Mid Week Check In

I've been logging my food for 10 days now. No major changes in weight or inches, but feeling decent. I believe I found a good carb count for my body to lose weight but sustain my energy levels. I'll keep you posted on this though for my longer runs on Saturdays.

I ran 8 miles this past weekend. I was slower than a herd of sloths, but my minute mile has evened out. It's a good thing, even though it's slow, it means I'm doing well with my endurance to be able to keep a consistent pace. It was relatively a pain free run. Minor hip and knee irritation but I took a walk break when my body asked for it.

I heard some great advice on the Not Your Average Runner podcast today. She talked about a cold start versus a 5 minute warm up. She suggested if you want to run farther, faster, start by warming up your muscles! Take a brisk 5 minute warm up, then start your run.

It's funny how simple and complicated this is. 5 minutes can sometimes make or break your time when you're rushing around in the morning trying to get to work on time. It can also slow your pace if you're including it in your watch or gun time.
However, how simple is it to walk 5 minutes briskly? 5 minutes is worth it to me if it helps prevent injury.

I always used to chuckle at the people who would run before a race. As in to say, I would show up to a race event and find the odd assortment of people running back and forth in the parking lot or at the back of the timing corrals. The thought of how silly and crazy they looked. Running, before running? Aren't they going to get tired? I might be a convert after reading the  Runners World article on How and Why You Should Warm Up Before a Run. Turns out walking before running is an ideal low-intensity activity to get you moving. The reasoning is that it's "similar to what it will go through in running", explains exercise physiologist Janet Hamilton, coach of Running Strong. "This not only brings up the temperature of the muscles and the core, but it enhances the blood flow to all the muscles you’ll need for running and sends your brain the message that it’s time to go."

You can also do more of a dynamic stretch routine before your run, or any workout routine for that matter. Dynamic stretching is more bouncing around, it's active. Unlike static stretching, which is holding a particular muscle or muscle group for 30 seconds or longer. Studies have shown the static stretching before exercise can actually hurt your body, rather than help it. When you use dynamic stretching you use controlled, quick, movements to improve your range of motion, loosen up muscles, increase heart rate; increase body temperature, as well as blood flow to help with your upcoming workout.

Who knows? Maybe I'll be a convert. Another thing to keep you posted on. Tomorrow's run is 3.5 miles...until I'm able to get more lights for my morning runs I'm going to have to run after work/before dinner,. I had an incident the other morning...in bright colored clothes, and an arm light...where I was half way through the crosswalk and a van pulled up just as I was crossing. Not terribly close, but closer than I was comfortable with at the time...especially since I had the right of way with a cross walk signal being lit up. I need a safety vest and a head lamp for more visibility though before I can start my morning runs again.

Tomorrow I will be back with a new menu, and Friday I will post my Halloween Run Play List, the list tickles my funny bone, but maybe you'll enjoy it too! Alright everyone, I am headed for an early bed time. Thank you for stopping by and reading. You guys seriously keep me posting on the regular...as the kids say. I've run into some conflicts the last week that kept me from posting, and I was in some deep thought about a few heavy subjects. You know...politics...religion. However, I'm surrounded by good people who helped me talk some of it out.

I believe I was born a fighter and when I feel like a see an injustice happening, I want to fix it right away. I want to jump up and shout, why is this happening? How can I stop it from happening? What can I do to help or change the situation. Often times, I don't know my own limits and I over schedule myself. I even struggle with self-doubt about whether I could have done something more.

This is where self love and having a tribe of good people comes in handy. I want my posts to be about mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health! Sometimes it's hard for me to not post about things that are happening in the media because it relates so much to the things above. I will do my best to stay on track. Keep an open mind, and listen to the opposing side...even if I lovingly, disagree. The only way we can move forward is if we go to together.

Last but not least, I'll have some fun zombie themed posts in honor of the Walking Dead which returned this past Sunday! Celebrate!! WAWHO!!!

A final farewell to one of those we loved though.

Alright everyone.
