Thirsty Thursday

As I am still trying to get my nutrition/meal planning in place for this upcoming half I've been trying to recover with healthy meal options. A while ago I discovered this drink from Garden of Life called Recovery. It is a plant-based drink that includes turmeric

I don't recommend adding it to water as it's gross and gritty however with some plain almond milk it's not bad, or milk of your choice. Minimal carbs, includes pea protein, and plenty of vitamins. It's also "me friendly", no soy, dairy, or gluten. It's a post work-out drink that is supposed to help reduce inflammation and soreness after a workout. I was looking for something to help with post-workout but not quite willing to spend the dough on BCAAs. It came in at a reasonable enough price that this big bottle was worth it. I felt energized after my 5.5 mile last night. I actually clocked my fastest mile for the year! I'm pretty sure least my fastest mile in awhile. Post run I had Recovery, while I didn't have any immediate I-feel-healthy-and-the-world-is-changing-for-the-better-and-my-insides-love-me feeling, it felt better than the brownie I ate earlier.

 Progress. Not Perfection.

Basically how I felt about my run last night. I focused on speed skills last night. Running half speed for a quarter of a mile. slow, Fast, slow fast. It helps with endurance and over time can develop faster turn over with your steps.

I also stopped to get this picture.

New shoes make me run fast ma!

I got a new pair of aesics, I'm still trying to break in. They were a little stiff and the padding doesn't quite feel right yet but overall I'm happy with my purchase. The aesics didn't seem to break down as fast as my New Balance, that's why I switched back. Plus I felt like I needed just a little more stability.

My legs have been doing a lot of cramping and my knees were starting to hurt. It had been almost 2 years since my last shoe purchase. If you follow the theory that you should replace your running shoes every 300 miles...basically I was due for a new pair awhile ago.

Well it's getting late. Thanks for stopping by friends! Hope you have great Friday! I'll be back this weekend to post about my 11 mile run. Weeeee....

