Focus & Mind-Set: VOTE

My mind has been elsewhere the last few weeks. I lost focus. I was starting to get lost in the negativity and harsh reality of where our country is at, and how we are all struggling with politics and our beliefs. Why do we hate each other when we disagree? I felt like I haven't had anything good to write about lately.
I feel like my mind started down this path during the Kavanugh hearing. I wasn't sure what I should write about and if anyone would even be interested in what I believe, in how I think the situation should have been handled. At best I'm a health and fitness blogger, at worst, a few times a month I write a quick inspirational/informational blurb on health for mind, body, and soul. However it seems we live in culture where people who are in the spotlight (I am not counting myself as in the spotlight, but it did make me question my motivation behind what to post.) are shunned when they speak up for what they believe, especially if it goes against the current cultural norm. Also, after venting EVERYTHING to the man, he asked if he thought I was getting too involved. In politics? I asked.

No. Social media. News. Your past, and letting it affect how you act and feel now. 

The truth is, whether you've worked through the stains and pains of your past with therapy or will always be with you.

I was born a fighter. As a girl who was molested and abused for years... as a young woman being taught that my voice actually DOES matter... as a woman today who uses that voice, that strength to vote against hate and against injustice, and against prejudice...I want to make sure that my words, my posts are speaking life into your day, week, and month.

I don't want to give faces and names to those who promote hatred. I was scared last week when pipe bombs where being sent to prominent political leaders. Really...for the first time in my life, I was scared. Then the synagogue shooting.

Using food and and sugar as a crutch to hide my pain and grief of what has become of our great nation. Any excuse I guess to eat. ha.
Then speaking (or yelling) candidly with my husband about that fear and rage..he calmly said "they're crazy people doing crazy things."
Why didn't I think of that? It's true though. It does say a lot about the mental health of our country, doesn't it? Whether they're legitimately crazy or filled with evil, that's not what this life is about. What our lives should be about. 

We have to remember that our enemy isn't each other. Whether we believe the same things or not, we can still respect each other. At the very least we SHOULD respect each other. We should respect ourselves. We do not have to wage war against someone who disagrees with us.
I have a friend, whom doesn't have an awesome nick name for this blog yet, but maybe soon. She and I couldn't disagree more when it comes to our political stances, but not once, have we come to arms over it.
Yes, the media can be frustrating. That's why it's important to vary your sources.

 If you only listen to one outlet, you're getting your news from a small filter, NOT from a world view. 

I honestly didn't mean to get off on this kick of my feelings...but I guess I think it's important enough to write about.
It's important to vote. Use your voice what matters. Get involved with candidates you want to be involved with but don't hate your neighbor. Continue to do what you think will strengthen this country.

One oximoron of the century. FIGHT FOR PEACE.

Meaning, volunteer at a soup kitchen, say kind words to someone you disagree with, vote for people who will make a difference in the life of someone less fortunate. Drive someone to the polls. Volunteer at the polls. Donate a lyft or uber ride (if that's even a thing.) There's a difference between being a welcome mat and a doormat though. Don't think because I believe in peace means I'm not afraid to defend what I have though. WE HAVE TO BE THE CHANGE! As Malala taught me, the pen is mightier than the sword. Her and her father wrote words of peace and called for women's rights and education. Our words, our letters can inspire others for good.

(these pictures are not my own, and I do not take credit for them)

Let it start with us, today, now.
More importantly, on Nov 6th.

