Monday Motivation: The Finish Line.

I lost sight of the finish line. I sent a long text to Iron Woman about how I was getting nervous about my trail run this upcoming weekend and I almost just don't want to do it. She reminded me of one very important factor that I had been forgetting.

The Finish Line. 

For it's a finish line. For you it's that pair of jeans you have tucked away in your 3rd dresser drawer, or the high school reunion you've been avoiding. Maybe it's lifting heavier, completing an exercise class at the gym. Maybe it's eating the recommended serving size of vegetables every day. 

Whatever it is. You also have a finish line, or rather the FEELING of crossing the finish line. 

"You can do it!! I believe in you! Just think of how tearing across that finish will feel. And it will feel even better, if you get back on the wagon and put your everything into your training."

She's 100% right.  I ate like crap this weekend, I missed a training run last week. I've been kicking myself ever since. Missing one training run isn't going hurt in the long run. Keeping up a consistent training schedule and nourishing my body with real, whole foods. That's going to make all the difference. 

Iron Woman provided bike support for my last long run this past Sunday. 6 slow miles in the wind, but it felt good. Felt good to stretch my legs and break out of the funk I found myself in. Iron Woman asked if my brother would be with me at this Saturday's run. I advised her it would be a solo trip this weekend. Which is another reason I'm feeling nervous. I'm slightly co-dependent. To a degree. I've run at least one 5k by myself but for the most part I've always had a training partner, someone to look for in the crowd or on the course. this week though, while some of the faces may seem familiar I'm going at this race, alone. 

It's okay though. I need to learn to run on my two feet through the woods, mud, and hopefully no rain. haha
Visualizing myself going up and down hills. Over rocks, leaves, and tree stumps. The ice cold water swimming though my shoes, but the heat in my muscles, the smile on my face, the music in my ears. Heart racing, sweat dripping, finish line, run hard finish.

Little helpers along the journey, will be a borrowed water pack filled with energy chews, my phone, maybe some gloves and a headband. The water pack is light enough that I haven't had any chafing issues, thus far holds enough water for each trip I've taken. 
Making sure I dress for the weather but also knowing this late in the year, layers are helpful to zip up or pull off. 

Visualize what it will feel like to walk through your 20 year, 40 year high school reunion doors in a red dress, feeling absolutely amazing. Seeing your inches drop, your kicks get higher, your down dog looking more like it should...all of these are finish lines to get to.  

I'm kind of getting choked up thinking about what it's going to feel like. I put the effort into this. My diet could have been better. I'm trying to regain my lean shape again but I cannot quit the candy. It slows me down...that's a different story that you've heard me complain about before. 

For now though, this week is all about getting to that finish line on Saturday.  This is my own race. I will succeed, and it's going to feel amazing. 

Come what may, I will see both finish lines this Saturday.

Note to self: Work on mental-toughness for next race. I haven't been talking very positively to myself lately and this has played a HUGE factor in my success for not only weight loss, but my overall training and health in general. When my mental health suffers, ALL of me suffers. Emotionally AND physically. 

alright, I gotta get out of here. 
Blessings everyone, thank you for sharing this journey with me. 
