Pant Sizes and Body Image

Is it weird to anyone else how you are a different size in a different brand? I'm pretty sure it's the same for shoes too.

I'm in the middle of week 2 of the transformed program and I feel like I've been crushing these workouts. Monday was a full body lifting circuit, barbell squats, lunges, over head dumbbell press, flies. Tuesday was the only day I could get myself talked out of getting out of bed. Yesterday I did my first pain free dead lift!!!

Okay, I'm going to pause here and touch on this really quick. I have no idea what I was doing before, but every time I preformed a dead lift my low back would hurt for days. I've been afraid of doing them. It didn't matter if I used less weight or more weight on the barbell, all of it hurt. I finally asked my sister in law how, AND I watched a video...I'm amazed at what little I needed to change to perform this correctly. The tip from my sister in law that really helped was to pinch my shoulder blades together. Not, crazy tight but to just make sure you're shoulders are always back and down.
The tip from the video was to drive up from your heel.
Unfortunately I cannot find the video but here is a link on the proper form for dead lifting.

That is my non-scale victory this week is performing a proper dead lift without pain. I'm excited to do it again next week!

Okay...onto the original topic of today's post. Pant sizes and body image. I stated it earlier this month that I've been pretty good about beating myself up lately. Asking myself why my butt looks huge..on and on...I'm getting better about shutting it down. It occurred to me though yesterday...why are we basing our worth on numbers that not only don't make sense but don't agree from brand to brand. Life is not one size fits all, just like pants aren't. Yet we base our worth and our value on how much weight we lose, what number is stitched or printed on a label on our pants. Why can't I love who I am now and want to better myself at the same time? Just because I am working on "losing weight/gaining muscle/running faster" doesn't mean I have to talk negatively about myself until I reach my goal.

It is entirely possible to love ourselves as we are but also want to keep improving. 

My primary goal is getting back down to a 9 minute mile. With that comes dedication to my improving my body composition and self respect. I'm not going to reach a faster mile time by hating myself into it.

At times, with an 80 pound weight loss all I can see is the left over tummy. It's already a source of discomfort for me, but if I wear the wrong shirt or pants that might be a little on the tight side, I have a massive muffin top. (Massive to me.) I can hear what you're thinking. If she thinks this about herself, what does she think about me? I hate to say it, but more often than not...people are more obsessed with their own flaws to even notice someone else's. So not only am I little self conscience but now I'm self absorbed too. here are some more selfies of me.

The point is it doesn't matter if we're trying to lose weight, gain muscle, swim better, walk better, not have perfect hair/makeup, whatever, fill in the blank. It matters that we continue to love ourselves at every step of the progress. You can be happy where you're at, but still want more.

Alright readers, I am outta here for today.
Tomorrow I'll be touching on some new ways I am taking control over my PCOS.
Blessings everyone, thank you for stopping by!
