Week 1 Transformed Review

I apologize for being gone for as long as I was. Apparently, I accidentally locked myself out of my email still don't have access to it...ugh! Talk about first world problems. In the meantime, though I have been working hard on my goals and wanted to share what I liked,  didn't like,  and an important lesson I learned::

The Good:
Packing my bags, the night before if I’m attempting to achieve a morning workout, almost never fails to get me out of bed. I tell myself “Well my bags are already packed, so I might as well go.” It’s sort of a form of laziness, if you ask me. It’s a “well I’d have to unpack all that stuff just to get ready this morning, repack again for tomorrow, I already did all the work last night.

I am not counting carbs and I lost 2 pounds. My weight has been fluctuating for probably about the last year within a 5-8-pound range, so 2 pounds, I’m not overly excited about, but it started off week 2 on the right foot. In 12 weeks, I am hoping to lose 2 pounds a week, for a total weight loss of 25 pounds. (These are just my goals though. Ultimately if I get to a place where I feel my pants fit great, it doesn’t hurt to workout, I’m not constantly tired…I’ll re-evaluate.)

I met all of nutrition and exercise goals last week.

Progressing into week two, not even half as sore as I was last week. It doesn’t hurt to walk, and my knees don’t feel like their about to give out. Ha. I just felt like I was wobbling on sticks last week after the exact same workout.

The Bad:
I did not read every day of my devotional last week. I think I missed the entire weekend if I remember correctly. It’s a 28-day devotional though, I’m certain I can accomplish it in 12 weeks. LOL…again…lazy.

STILL NEED MORE VEGETABLES! Turns out I’m only getting about 1 or 2 servings of vegetables a day. That’s scary when the recommendation for your average vegetable intake is 5-9 (this includes fruit though.) I only get about 1 serving of fruit a day. It’s clear why my digestion is off.

Not quite 8 glasses of water but I’m doing better. (speaking of…gulp, gulp)

I still need more sleep. I’m averaging just under 7 when I need be getting 8.

I’ve already missed today’s workout and the Runners World Run Streak didn’t even get off the ground. I don’t have enough time in the day to get in 1 mile AND an entire 45min workout. I could go to bed earlier, wake up earlier, but for now…the day is still young I might be able to squeeze some yoga or a HIIT workout at home after my client.

Review of devotional:
Turns out, last week I suggested using a timer to max out your reps too. Nope! Day 8 contradicts me. He wants you to complete each set to failure. Bodyweight squats, crunches, and pushups. I have not incorporated the workouts into my routine as I feel I have a solid base for my fitness, but the readings have been great.

Reading over Luke 5:5-11 Simon says to God “Master, we’ve been working hard all night! We haven’t caught anything…but because you say so, I will let down the nets.”
It’s late, it’s been a long day, a long night…maybe even a long month for you but if God is prompting you to move, it’s within our interest to move. After Simon lowered the net into the lake, he and the other disciples caught so many fish the nets were starting to break. Not only that but they needed help from their partners that were close enough they signaled them for help. When they started to fill the other boat with the overflow of fish… verse 7…they came and filled both boats so full that they begin to sink.
You may be in a hard season of your life where you’re saying to yourself that you are tired of fighting. Tired of trying. Tired of being so fruitless. If you just hold on, God will bless you in so many ways. However, he won’t just bless you, you will be able to bless others because he blessed you. The struggle will be worth it. All those nights without filling the night, skimming the water just to come up empty. I can’t say what it will look like when the Lord calls you to do something. You can start by believing in him though. By giving your heart to him, asking him to come into yours. I am working through my endless night and empty net, so to speak, until my blessings come.  I keep praying, I keep working. My life is blessed in many ways, the one I wait on the most is obviously for a child to call our own, but until then I am blessed with friends, and family, and pets. It’s okay to be exhausted and happy at the same time. It’s okay to be sad and angry when you see someone else get the house they want and your deal falls through. When you see someone else get the promotion you want. It’s okay to be sad AND happy when your friend announces her second pregnancy and you still haven’t found the answers in to your journey yet.
Just trust that some day your nets will over flow.  Continue to bless others in he process.

Lastly, I will update you on the 12 week Transformed plan when I can. For now, I’m having to use a backdoor way to get my blog posts out.
Blessings everyone,
