Day 1: Mindset

I love the idea of New Years Resolutions, albeit they are hard to stick to, but I like the idea of the adventure, the challenge.

To help with my goals this year, I'm taking specific steps to help better reach my goals. First and most important of all, mindset. Having a goal. I have a short time goal right now of losing 25lbs by May. The reason being is in May the man and I have a trip planned out of town where we will be hiking, biking, camping, and sight seeing. We're gonna need to be in shape! My food goal this month was no added sugar and no grains. Unfortunately, the protein powder I use will make it hard to go completely no added sugar, so let's say NO CANDY, NO COOKIES! I downloaded My Fitness Pal again, to help me track my carbs, because I was not good last year. Not only does it show on my body, but I can feel it in my knees.
Anyway, today wasn't the best way to start out the new year as I did have two slices of some gluten free pizza, but economics people, I didn't have lunch prepped, and I didn't want to waste the money from the pizza the night before.
It was within my carb count for the the day though, however...the grain they probably used in the gluten free flour, not part of my goals. The no grains is a short term goal. It's mostly to see if I feel better not eating them, to help with some digestive issues I've been having. It's to help get me started on being healthy in general. No cookies or candy until February. I'll keep you posted on my progress weekly and monthly.
I have prepped my gym bag for the morning, I meal prepped, lunch for tomorrow, plus two snacks for the day. I'll make breakfast in the morning, and I even pulled something out for dinner tomorrow night! WINNING!

After talking with a few friends over the last week or so, I came to the conclusion, it feels like there's a lot out of my control. Control is actually an illusion if you think about it, but that's a different topic for a different day.
What I need to focus on this year are the things I can control. Working out, eating healthy, self care, organizing my house. Each of these things will have steps and actions to take. Working out, gym bag, makeup/shower bag, going to bed early, getting up early. Prepping food. Calculating my carbs the night before or the morning of. Know my carb count for the day. Plan ahead, keep healthy snacks on hand such as pumpkin seeds, almonds, protein bars just in case something comes up. Self care, I purchased some essential oils from a friend to help not only with my mental health, but my overall well being. Organize my house will help me feel grounded and open.

"Clutter is the physical manifestation of unmade decisions fueled by procrastination." 
~ Christina Scalise

Today we organized the basement and gathered our goodwill donations up. It's been quite a day but I already feel good about the space we have freed up in the house. Again, this is something I can control. Having a healthy mindset is what is going to keep me on the path towards my goals. 

Self talk is going to go a long way towards staying focused. Instead of saying "I can't have that" I will say "I'm choosing not to have that." It also goes towards that "control feeling".

I have the tendency to stress eat and binge eat when the anxiety gets bad. Focusing on what I am choosing to eat lots of vegetables, protein, fruits -and plenty of them. Starving myself will not help with a healthy mind set. Over eating will not help with a healthy mindset.  

Alright my friends, the man and I have had a long day, we are definitely ready to hit the hay. 

I pray that you all have a healthy and prosperous New Year. May you reach your goals and have the courage to try something new. 
Many blessings, 
