Staying on Track through the Holiday weekend

I'd love, more than just about anything, to have a margarita tonight. The one from Againt All Grain, looks to be pretty amazing, but I'm running four miles tomorrow...I don't want to screw up my happy gut health, just yet.

So today, while I was able to step away from the lunch table without eating more than my portion size of sweet potato chips, what's to stop me from going crazy once my run is over?

Well, planning ahead helps! Before the run, since it will be a longer one, I plan on eating 3 fried eggs and some oatmeal with blueberries. I will also have 1 passion drink from yoli, just before the run.
After the run I will have 1 lara protein bar (It's roughly a 40 minute drive from my house where we'll be running at) and I'll need something immediately post race.

Then when I get home, I'll be making burgers for the family! For the rest of the day, I'll have to pack myself some snacks, fresh fruit and vegetables (I'm thinking an apple and baby carrots since those travel well without being constantly cold. As well as heart healthy mixed nuts and pumpkin seeds.

Then Sunday when we have the bigger family bbq with Ribs, I'll be able to eat one or two things that are not really on my diet, but will be worth the cheat. (All allerngen friendly!)

I found 5 more great tips on the fooducate blog, head over there to see Hemi's other ideas for staying active and healthy this weekend!

Blessings Everyone,
Have a happy 4th!
I'll post run pictures tomorrow!

