Negative Thoughts, Tired of the Journey

I've been in a very pensive mood this last week, if you couldn't tell from my ramblings on Wednesday.

I came across three amazing blog posts this week, who, honestly I felt like they must have had a peak into my window this last month or something, because each of these spoke right to my heart.

I love Erin's Inside Job, she has great advice and her posts are well written. On this particular post she talks about what to do with negative thoughts. They all come to us in many forms. Especially if you're a person who deals with food guilt. As in 'I just ate two whole pieces of cake! I'm such a bad person!'
Two whole pieces of cake is fine in perspective to the rest of your week, month. Also...eating cake doesn't equal you being a bad person.
Erin's advice! Tell yourself the opposite of everything you're saying.

 Am I a bad blogger? — I’m an awesome blogger! (whatever that means)
Does my site not promote health and wellness? — this site promotes MY vision of health and wellness
DOES HE HATE MY BLOG? — (the email also said I had very good content, but I chose to focus on the negative)
DOES EVERYONE HATE MY BLOG?? — people are reading my blog and commenting that they enjoy it!
IS EVERYTHING A SHAM??? — ok Erin, calm down 

'I'm a bad person for eating two pieces of cake!' -- 'I'm so awesome for doing great all week with my diet. Also I love cake and I'm going to enjoy all of this, because I'm awesome!'
It's not always easy to do but cultivating mindset can help motivate you achieve your goals.

One of the other two blog posts I read is from In Due Time - Support in the Waiting. Caroline is ceaseless for her posts about waiting with the Lord during this journey
"In so many ways I am tired. Not just my physical body, but I am tired of this journey. I am tired of waiting, which is why having supportive people around me is so important. Not only is it important, but for me, it’s imperative. It’s the random text or phone call that remind me to keep going. It’s those who approach me at church and ask to pray for me that remind me that others care...I can’t even begin to imagine what this journey would be like without all the love."

 Chelsea over at Trials Bring Joy, write an amazing post about just having messy emotions and how it's possible to feel sadness but yet be joyful at the same time.
"And yet, through it all, God keeps speaking and reassuring me HE IS HERE WITH ME."

They're great posts if you are feeling a little on the negative side today. They are incredibly encouraging, and remind you no matter what you're going through, you are not alone. You are not alone in your sadness, in your anger, in your depression, in your anxiety. You are not alone in your health journey. You are not struggling alone.

Alright, I gotta get back to work...then a busy weekend!
Blessings to you all,


Amanda! Thank you SO much for the shout out. That means so much to me <3
agoerunnergirl said…
I love your posts! Every one speaks to me. Your ceaseless efforts to bring others to Christ is inspiring. Thank you for being an amazing blogger.