Feelings Friday: Inadequacy

First before I get into today's post, a few weeks ago I wanted to post about some PCOS related stuff but I haven't had time to sit and do the research. I will keep you posted though once I get through the Period Repair Manual about what I've learned. Alright, ONTO today's post.

I haven't always been great at celebrating all of my successes. Often comparing my success to others.  Thinks that aren't even equivalent. Even if they are, it doesn't matter. Comparison is a game where no one wins. I guess I'm writing today's post for me, just as much as you.

It's hard when someone advances their career and you're still stuck in the same temporary position. It's hard when you haven't finished your degree or barely even gotten it started. If you're trying to lose weight still have pounds and inches to go, that's hard. Heck, even if you're trying to gain muscle and you see a picture of perfection, that's hard too. We constantly ask ourselves are we measuring up?

Measuring up to what though? I'm frustrated because I'm a 30 something with enough education to equal an associates degree but the two schools I went to only add up to a quasi-degree. I feel inadequate when I eat something sweet because I'm not living up to my goals, I'm not pushing as hard as every one else. When we constantly see others getting the things we not only want but have strived years for to get. That can be hard.

It's also REALLY easy to let these feelings consume ourselves and make us feel less than. In other words. Inadequate.

A few weeks ago I posted a picture of one of my rubber bracelets. A purple band sent to me by a friend. Simply stated "You Matter." I love this bracelet. It was made even better when a week or so afterward a friend told me "I appreciate you." I think she was letting me know that I matter to her. I was so touched by this. Last this feeling of feeling less than and unworthy was finally squashed when I read chapter 2 of this weeks bible study.

What Eve Alone Can Tell.

In this chapter John and Stasi Eldridge tell a magnificent story of how Eve was created. First there was nothing but darkness. Then a voice spoke and brought forth light and color. The voice created mountains, rivers, grasslands, deserts, which were wondrous bright colors of blue, green, purple, yellow, orange; everything was so beautiful it shined like diamonds. Then God wanted to create a being in his image, first Adam. Then Eve. As John and Stasi tell it, "Eve is the crescendo, the final, astonishing work of God. Given the way creation unfolds, how it builds to even higher and higher works of art? Can there be any doubt that Eve is the crown of creation? Not an after thought...The whole vast world is incomplete without me." A woman.
God reveals a part of himself through us as women. Our fierceness, our inner and outer beauty, our compassion is a part of who Christ is. That is what he sees in us. We are wanted and valued. We are loved and sought after.

We are anything but inadequate.

If there's one thing I want you to remember this good Friday, is that God so loved the world that he gave us his son. His son died for that love. We are worth that amount of sacrifice and love.

Thank you for stopping by on this late Friday afternoon.
Thinking and praying for all of you, please know that you matter.


Rebecca Fegan said…
Love this!
For a 30-year-old, you have a lot of wisdom! In fact it would be a lot of wisdom for a 50-year-old.
agoerunnergirl said…
Thank you momma Fegan!