A Year In Review Part 2

Finally getting back to the spirit of Saturday's post, I wanted to post more of what I've learned this year through my blog posts.  You can check out part 1 here.

I really need to get caught up my friend's blog. Reader's Anonymous. She's an Albert Einstein in female form but for all things writing and English...

This sounds good, Cheesy Beef Enchilada Bake. Although, I'll be skipping the cheese...I don't quite have the taste for Daiya Cheese anymore...but...maybe a gluten free grilled "cheese" cheat meal might be a thing soon.

Once in awhile it's okay to cheat on your diet.

A simple picture or quote can really help motivate you towards your fitness goals.  

Planning ahead is always a great idea, when it comes to Holidays especially when the bad junk starts to creep in.

Inspiration comes from everywhere.

While I love running, and it will always be my sport of choice...lifting has become an intregul part of my fitness routine. Cardio helps you loose adipose tissue, strength training helps you shape the muscle underneath. You almost can't have one without the other. Tonight when I head to the gym, will be the last end of my FIRST week in phase 3 of the Jaime Eason Live Fit Program.

Sounds like since October I really started hunkering down on my diet. While some days, it seems all consuming, other days I'm at the top of my game. As I look back through my blog this last year, I've learned a lot about myself and my habits. I think it's a great idea to have a food journal, or even just a journal. But specifically if you have a food journal, you might feel more confident as you look back over what you've done. How some things became easier and some maybe you're still working on. It's easier to see progress, when you log it or write it down.

Running is life.

I need to make more applesauce!!!

Everyone should try Tabata, at least once.

I told you I watch a ton of TV & movies...but if you really pay attention to the messages of what you're watching...well, maybe what I'm watching...because I don't know what you watch. But what I watch is good. And I find a plethora of inspiration from them.

If I don't control my diet, I can't control my PCOS

Diving into other peoples health journeys was incredibly eye opening. It was one of my favorite things to post. I hope to do it again in the future.
Part 1: Lindsey & her AI diet
Part 2: Krystal's Cancer Battle
Part 3: Nikole, the Big Loser
Part 4: Nicole, The Working Mom
Part 5: Katie, The Single Mom
Part 6: My Story- Faith, Fitness, and PCOS

I find a lot of motivation and inspiration from bible posts. Such as Romans 14, where it talks about finding out a diet that works best for you.

Being physically healthy is great! But you also need to nourish your soul.

I'll be really prepared for Christmas this year I think...but...let's not talk about that till later in the year...it's just barely Spring!

That took us through the end of 2014. That was really fun! It's always good to go back and check how you're making progress, where you're making progress, & you might be able to improve. It brought back a lot of good memories I made last year through my fitness goals. I am looking forward to the ones in the future!

Blessings Everyone,
Have a great Friday.
